Symptoms of nasal polyps

Symptoms, symptoms and its effects on one's health


Nasal polyps Are soft masses that grow in the nose or sinuses. These lesions are usually non -cancerous and are caused by chronic inflammation, allergies, recurrent infections or respiratory diseases such as asthma.. The size and number of polyps can vary, and in some cases cause respiratory tract obstruction and serious problems in nasal function.. In this article from the site of Dr. Behnam Khorrami (Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan), Careful examination of the symptoms and symptoms of nasal polyps will be discussed.

Symptoms and symptoms of nasal polyps

1.. Nasal obstruction

One of the most common symptoms of nasal polyps is the feeling of cramping or obstruction of the nose. Polyps restrict natural air flow due to over -growth in the nasal ducts and make the person difficult to breathe.. This obstruction may occur on one or both sides of the nose and depends on the size and number of polyps.

2.. Decreased sense of smell

Nasal polyps can reduce or destroy the sense of smell by blocking smells.. This is the status that is called “Anocoma” Known, may be temporary or permanent. In severe cases, even one's taste is affected, as the ability to understand odors is greatly reduced..

۳. Nasal discharge (Color or colorless)

Patients with nasal polyps often develop nasal secretions. These secretions can be transparent, yellow, or even green that indicate infection.. Some people may develop continuous runny nose, which can stimulate the skin around the nose and more discomfort..

4.. Saga

Nasal polyps can accumulate fluids and inflammation in the sinuses, causing pain, pressure and discomfort in different areas of the face, including forehead, cheeks and around the eyes.. This condition is similar to symptoms Sinusitis It can also cause frequent headaches.

5. Difficult breathing through the nose

People with nasal polyps often have to breathe through the mouth because. This can cause problems such as dry mouth, snoring and respiratory interruptions throughout the day and even during sleep. (Sleep Apnea) Be. In some cases, people may feel that enough air does not reach their lungs, leading to fatigue and lack of energy throughout the day..

The impact of nasal polyps on the quality of life

Nasal polyps can severely affect one's quality of life if left untreated. Problems such as reducing smell, sleep disorder, chronic headaches, and respiratory problems can disrupt daily activities and reduce one's concentration and efficiency.. Also, people with seasonal or asthma allergies may experience more severe symptoms..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Diagnosis and treatment of nasal polyps


Nasal polyps are one of the most common respiratory problems that can cause annoying symptoms such as nasal obstruction, decreased smell, nasal discharge, sinus pain and respiratory problems.. Diagnosis and treatment of this condition can prevent more serious complications and improve the quality of life of the patient..

Useful links:

Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

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