Closed nose surgery, no stitches?

Closed nose surgery, no stitches?

در عمل بینی بسته، جای بخیه و اسکار مشخص نیست.

One of the most important confusions for people applying for nose surgery is in the field of choosing the best way to perform nose surgery. راه های مختلفی برای دسته بندی انواع رینوپلاستی وجود دارد که یکی از آن ها بر اساس نحوه ایجاد برش است. در این راستا عمل بینی را به دو دسته عمل بینی بسته و باز تقسیم می کنند.

What is closed nose surgery?

قبل از آنکه در مورد عمل بینی بسته صحبت کنیم باید بدانید، جراحی بینی و یا به اصطلاح رینوپلاستی نوعی روش زیبایی در جهت اصلاح نواقص و بدفرمی های بینی است. Due to the fact that the request for this cosmetic procedure has increased recently, as a result, specialists in this field have acquired high skills to perform cosmetic nose surgery..

Probably, when you hear the word rhinoplasty, what you have in your mind is that in this surgical procedure, like other cosmetic surgeries, the nose area must be opened.. But it is interesting to know that this surgery has two types of closed and open nose surgery . In Open nose surgery، جراح با ایجاد یک شکاف در ناحیه شیار بینی کل قسمت های بینی را باز کرده و به طور کامل پوشش بینی را بلند می کند. However, in the closed nose surgery method, no incision is made in the nasal groove and only a very limited skin is removed from the nasal structure and all the stitches are made from inside the nose..

عمل بینی بسته یا Closed Rhinoplasty

یک روش برای پیشبرد روند این جراحی است که در آن بر روی بینی برشی ایجاد نشده و تنها در بخش های داخلی بینی برش و بخیه زده می شود. Applicants who ask a nose surgeon to operate their nose in a closed manner must have the desired conditions. If you are one of these people, you should consider that the best method for performing nose surgery should be chosen based on the surgeon's diagnosis..

هر کدام از این روش ها دارای مزایا و معایب خود هستند اما به طور کلی متخصصان عقیده دارند اگر نقایص جزئی در بینی خود دارید، از روش جراحی بینی بسته استفاده کنید. Because considering that the entire nasal structure is not opened in this surgery, there will be fewer side effects for people.

What is the best rhinoplasty procedure?

open method (open) and closed method (close) They are among the common and common methods for performing nose surgery. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The following can be effective in determining the best procedure for rhinoplasty:

  1. type of nose
  2. History of surgery
  3. History of illness
  4. Conditions and condition of the nasal cavity
  5. Severity and amount of existing defects and complications
  6. Examinations performed by a specialist doctor

Closed nose surgery, no stitches? | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Follow Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon - Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

What is the purpose of closed nose surgery?

Rhinoplasty is performed for various reasons. Maybe the applicants for this surgery in the old days were mostly women. But now men are also determined applicants to experience this surgery. This cosmetic surgery is so popular in our dear country of Iran that it does not recognize men and women, young and old. Maybe when you walk down the street, you will see many people who have done this procedure.

Maybe if you yourself are one of the applicants for this surgery, take a closer look around you before proceeding (Especially people who have experienced nose surgery) you look. You will certainly see different examples of work. You may like some of them and not others! Consulting with people who have experienced this surgery can help you in creating a proper and correct mental picture of the nose job and its possible results..

Meanwhile, many people close their noses. The purpose of closed nose operation can be considered to change the shape of the nose with the least amount of invasion and complications. Since the endoscope is used in the process of this surgery, there is no need to make an incision on the nose, so there will be no scars left..

• The main goal of nose surgery; It is the treatment of respiratory complications and other external and internal defects of the nose.

The following cases can be treated in the closed nose procedure:


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Suggested contents of Dr. Behnam Khorrami's website (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan):

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Closed rhinoplasty

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