Acquired drooping eyelids

What is acquired drooping eyelid?

Five main types of افتادگی پلک Acquired can be created during life. specialist Nasal surgeon And beauty by examining your eyes, detects ptosis or drooping eyelids. These include aponeurotic drooping, which is the most common type. In this case, the lifting muscle of the eyelid is usually stretched too much due to aging.. Excessive rubbing of the eyes or excessive pulling of the eyelids due to itchy eyes or prolonged use of contact lenses can also cause this condition..

Neural ptosis occurs when there is a problem in the nerve pathway that controls the movement of the eyelid muscles..
Causes of drooping eyelids include myasthenia gravis (Severe muscle weakness)Are third nerve palsy and Horner's syndrome.

In myogenic ptosis, the eyelid-raising muscle is weakened due to a systemic disorder that causes muscle weakness..
These conditions may include chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia and various types of muscular dystrophy.

In case of ptosis or sagging of the mechanical eyelid, the eyelid falls down due to the presence of excess skin or a lump..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Acquired drooping eyelids

Traumatic ptosis is caused by an injury to the eyelid
Or due to an accident or other eye injury. This damage endangers or weakens the levator muscle.

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