What do بلفاروپلاستی do?

What do بلفاروپلاستی do?

Some people due to the drooping of the eyelids and blowing up under the eyes, eyelid surgery is done to (بلفاروپلاستی) They can. In this way, the excess skin is removed and the ایجادشده of the eyelids can be collected, so the young person's appearance improved and takes the view.


In fact, the eye or eyelid surgery, بلفاروپلاستی skin around the eye is a great cause and fix up the eyes, so the appearance of young people will be. This method of therapy through ازآنجاکه, drooping of the eyelids and the skin around the eye heals, by increasing the patient's field of vision, the vision he also heals. May this surgical procedure for the treatment of eye puff, a part of the skin, muscle and upper eyelid and excess fats in the inferior or is removed. In some cases, skin impressions adequacy and need to withdraw will no longer be muscle. In this way it is possible both the upper and lower eyelids, the courier will need to have a puff under eye surgery.

Upper eyelid cosmetic surgery (Sometimes “Eye lift” It is called) It should not be confused with upper eyelid surgery is پتوزیس. In the high position of the upper eyelid margin surgically پتوزیس is used, usually this task through the tendons and muscles shrink eyelid lifting, the. Sometimes the upper eyelid skin causing heavy drooping upper eyelid, in some cases surgical help بلفاروپلاستی can be in the form of the upper eyelid margin slightly above minor Byrd.

Unfortunately, it may be, the eyelid up and sometimes the lower eyelid, as part of the aging process, having drooping or blowing under the eyes are. As part of the same process, the eyebrows also may be experiencing are drooping.

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