Rhinoplasty without surgery
Rhinoplasty without surgery cosmetic surgery without surgery is an excellent choice and affordable for patients is that they like to earn a زیباتری appearance without undergoing heavy nose surgery (رینوپلاستی) Section. Today everyone is looking for کمخطر procedures and with less side effects and cost less and are due to the side effects of nasal جراحیهای, doctors in the wake of simpler ways to fix some of the problems are apparent nose. Just like Botox, which revolutionized the treatment of چروکهای case has created unnecessary جراحیهای and خیلیها from doing with the time consuming and costly lasers has been abandoned.
This method is also in front of a lot of unneeded khahdgrft nose جراحیهای. In the mtalahai has been performed more than half of the nasal جراحيهای is really unnecessary and we can repair it with the methods غیرجراحی and هزینها, and many of the front and side effects..
In this method, after the stun the nose a decent amount of filler that can be calcium hydroxy aptat and اسیدهیالورونیک (ژویدرم) The needle is injected under the skin to intellectuals. This infusion to قوزبینی, up and down is necessary to buck up the bumps fade قوزبینی injection or infusion in certain parts of the nasal tip and the tip will take it higher. If the nose is also experiencing uneven walls, غیرقرینگی or fill the indent with the regions can be is the level of flat nose and a hand and created the look fits. Hialoronic gel in addition to Outlook that is also available to remove the solvent and, if a person of the form see after injection was discontented with the outside or it can solve that . Therefore, if you see the patient after injection of gels in the pathologic and mghairati he wants to after removing the gel could perform the surgery practice . This method is not small but if you see it is not so great and the person you want to be closer to the appearance of no pathologic show smaller with the injection of fat in the cheeks concluded. rate of mandegari gel on the same very long Outlook than mandegari gel on tomato, for example some more butt in the hialoronic gelhai of six months closer to three years on permanency is the durability. . If one gelhai a variety of hialoronic used to see in five years as a result of speculation is persistent..
What is a good candidate for رینوپلاستی people غیرجراحی?
1.- People who want to arc the nose hump or بینیشان (Low to moderate)Be wiped.
2.- Those who have the Indent on the nose or غیرقرینگی.
3.- غیرقرینگی the tip downward deviation or Outlook
4.- People wishing to have a higher head nose tip.
5.- People who already have done and nose surgery of the appearance of their nose are not satisfied and wish to make amendments in it without surgery, for example, nasaffi or torftegi in the level and you have a hard.
6. persons who have their torafth you bridge you can short it seems with the injection of filler industries closer and closer to the appearance of the full bridge show louder.
What is a good candidate for those who are not غیرجراحی رینوپلاستی?
1- The people that I have a big nose and bulking and MKO is not fit.
2.- People who have deviated septum (Predicting the blade) Are.
3- People who have severe nose droop.
4. persons who have very prominent hump _ could not see the full elimination of their hunch. .
Non-surgical Rhinoplasty and differences
1- In the surgical procedure, the individual is completely unconscious while in the غیرجراحی method in addition to being sober person can be injected in stages and help the doctor mirror.
2- روش غیرجراحی نیاز به استراحت پس از عمل ندارد و به ندرت امکان دارد تورم کم یا کبودی مختصر ایجاد شود كه به مدت 3 until the 4 روز از بین ميرود.
3- In comparison with the action رینوپلاستی, postoperative pain in this way does not exist or is very small.
4.- The effects of anesthesia, which sometimes is very dangerous in this way there is no non-surgical.
5.- The close method on the nose or adhesive to the persistant dressing is not required.
6.–The result of this method is employed, and the person immediately available at the same time you can change your view on.
7.- No dressing or handling is not adhesive durability and shelf life because it has no moving en masse in the nose you more durability than fillers to other regions and people that they at least use calcium hydroxy aptat ژویدرم between ٣نا٥سال and 3, ٤سال remaining disappointed if individual consent could redo again he injection.
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