Skin grafting and maxillofacial surgery

What is skin grafting?

The operation of skin graft or the operation of removing the skin graft is very popular in today's world and many of those who suffer from the graft seek to perform the operation of skin graft or skin transplant.. You should keep in mind that skin grafting is done in two ways.

Sometimes skin grafts or irreversible skin damage cause a part of your skin to be affected. If the damaged area is more visible, it can be psychologically harmful for the patient and destroys self-confidence.. We are with you in this article to talk to you about this.

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Jaw surgeon of Isfahan  | Skin grafting and maxillofacial surgery

Skin graft operation

Skin grafting is needed when a person needs skin to treat burns or severe wounds. Skin grafting or skin grafting can be done by the donor, and it can also be done by the person himself..

You should keep in mind that the skin graft operation is considered a very important restorative operation and during the treatment process, the treatment team focuses on the success of the operation as well as on the psychological well-being of the patient..

Why is skin grafting done?

Skin grafting can be considered one of the most important reconstructive surgeries. Usually, this operation is performed when the patient needs skin for a part of his body that is important. Also, maintaining the function of the skin as a protective layer of the body should be considered. Preventing the appearance of extra flesh on the skin is another reason why skin grafting is performed.

You should keep in mind that this procedure will greatly reduce the risk of infection and you can safely have a beautiful and uniform skin with respect to your treatment process..

How is skin grafting performed?

Skin grafting is usually done under anesthesia. Meanwhile, if the patient does not have the ability to undergo general anesthesia, local anesthesia is sometimes used by the treatment team.. Keep in mind that during the operation, the skin is completely disinfected and then with a special tool that the surgical team has, the required thickness is removed from the skin and then placed on the transplant recipient area..

A very important point that you should keep in mind regarding the skin graft operation is that the conditions for performing this operation are completely sterilized.. Also, the relatively long recovery period considered for this operation makes the patient have a much lower risk of contracting various infections.. Therefore, the patient must be prepared to take the drugs for a long time.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Skin grafting and maxillofacial surgery .

Learn more about skin graft surgery :

Skin grafts can be considered as very thin sheets of healthy skin . which have grown in one part of the body and now if the other part of the body needs the skin, transplantation is used . The damaged area may be seriously damaged due to reasons such as burns and infections . This issue makes skin graft surgery not only a way to preserve one's beauty, but also a way to protect the patient's body against external infections..

You should also keep in mind that due to severe scarring after skin grafting, doctors usually prefer it . Transplant a part of the body's skin that is less visible to the patient . Also, due to the mental state of the patient, a psychologist or psychiatrist may also monitor the patient's behavior during the operation and recovery period..

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