Cheek and Chin ( The first part of )

Welcome to becoming a form of cheek causing species that are not highlighted will be. People who have such a weak structure, they slim or straight to the eye, or the effects of the age of reason their species form have lost, can benefit from cheek surgery. The simplicity and relatively low cost surgical cheek cheek makes that a lot of people tend to have do it.

If you want the last of this type of facial prosthesis, we have to say talking cheek since 1956 and was used as a safe and effective method of beauty doctors of the world has been approved. Cheek is made of a combination of different materials. This material has a different aonaa that are relatively hard to flexible materials can be variable.

Cheek in shapes and sizes there are various and often they can be customized according to the specific structure of the generated form. Some species, such as denture prostheses made of silicon, the material tissue will not merge with and can easily be separated later. Other species, such as bone implant of hydroxyapatite implant with bone tissue integration, natural and part of the structure can be any

The risks resulting from cheek surgery

Cheek is a cosmetic surgery, safe, low-risk, provide the پیشنی, as well as the relatively high cost of the denture is not any. Until now, millions of facial prostheses of غیرسمی materials such as Silicon and poly-ethylene-Tetra floro ( PTFE) Have been created and applied, without no reports about the allergic reaction to it provided.. This prosthesis that especially among species for use in the area of the face and Chin have been made in a variety of shapes and sizes are provided. These proteases by the surgeon to customize the form are made to fit more natural to have

Types of cheek

Cheek in three different forms to be supplied

A species

These proteases are directly on the bones of the species are laid and more prominence offerings

A subspecies

This species of پرتری proteases and their failure or to fix any slimming

The combination
A hybrid implant causes bone to improve the species and species can be.
Some, like denture implant made of silicone material can be separated later. The other implant bone integration with natural texture and are part of the structure of the species make up.
Best practices for the use of implant silicone type it is. Silicones for several decades in the body and in the surgical and medical devices have been used in numerous. When placed on the bone, like Silicon bone seems to be. One of the biggest advantages of silicone implant varieties is that this type of prosthesis is soft and the bottom of the well with the anatomy of the organs will be compatible and you never feel the edge sharpness is.
Perhaps the biggest advantage of using a silicone implant such that if you need to replace or remove the prosthesis, can easily make these things to do in this kind of cheek. Some are made of porous polyethylene, proteases, and if you need to separate or change these types of proteases, big problems want. one of the problems is no longer stiff prosthetics is that they are compatible with the tissue of the creator are not well and create chances coming bulge is much.



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