How to eliminate the side effects of anesthesia?

How to eliminate the side effects of anesthesia?

از بین بردن عوارض داروی بیهوشی

In most cases, anesthesia does not cause side effects, and it is the surgery itself that may bring risks.

The age of the nose job, any heart, lung and kidney problems, sensitivity to all kinds of drugs, smoking after the nose job, alcohol and blood thinners are all involved in increasing the anesthesia side effects of the nose job..

How to eliminate the side effects of anesthesia? | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, Isfahan nose surgeon – Follow Isfahan jaw surgeon on Instagram.

اما برای درمان عوارض بیهوشی بعد از عمل بینی چه باید کرد؟

  1. Drink small amounts of clear liquids such as water or apple juice. This is an easy way to reduce the side effects of nose surgery anesthesia.
  2. Avoid eating sweet, spicy or hard-to-digest foods after surgery.
  3. If you feel nauseous, rest your stomach for an hour, then try drinking a clear liquid.
  4. Another way to reduce the side effects of nose surgery anesthesia is to follow the instructions and recommendations of the surgeon.
  5. Do not take painkillers and other chemical drugs to reduce the side effects of nose surgery because they may increase the severity of the anesthesia side effects of nose surgery.

By following the above points, the side effects of nasal surgery anesthetics will be greatly reduced.


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