The mandibular surgery

The surgery involves correction of the mandible can be usually requires a separate section, aft (The joint) The front part of the jaw bone.. The front of the jaw bone is the same part that the task of supporting the teeth is responsible. By separating these two parts of the bones of each other, our surgeons can make the front of the lower jaw to the back or the front moved to the position corrected. Then position the pieces of the jaw bone is also set to be in place using the screws and the plate planning proves to be. In cases of severe jaw deformities, the teeth may also last for a long time 5 until the 7 Wiring week.

Maxillary surgery

For surgery of the maxilla, the part of the jawbone that teeth are located on the aft part of the bone and to the up, down, forward or backward can be moved. During this surgery, the jaw bone of our dentists based on your particular circumstances and the status of the target moved the anomalies. In case of bony pieces may be added to the jaw bone or bone is removed and the overall shape is changed, or. Finally the jaw bone in his new situation with the use of screws and tiny plaque, have proven to be. Also, depending on the circumstances of the surgery of the upper and lower jaw may temporarily using wire or rubber to the cache are closed. In addition, a plastic or a plaster by means of time Navigator on your jaw will be put up to maintain the healthy condition of the jaw bones help your. Usually the cuts that are necessary to perform this action, on the inside of the mouth can be struck, but in some cases it may be required that a small notch is on the outside of the mouth and on the face you make. In this case, try the scar caused by the cuts as far as possible, more and more small secret..

The bone-building under traction and SARPE

Surgical technique of stretching the bones under the action of a gradual stretching and bone growing over time with the aim of restoration of bony tissue malformation and deformity is done. In this action, a gradual traction on the fracture at the time of surgery in bone, bone and can be applied to the production of soft tissues around it does increase. The action of bones under a stretch not only generate new bone is being made, but also to soft tissues such as skin, bone, along with the Mucosa, muscles, nerves and blood vessels also stimulates. In this way there is no need to link the bones.



SARPE surgery (A rapid increase in the extent of surgical help com) And SARME (A rapid increase in the extent of the jaw bone surgery help) Primarily for the treatment of maxillary and mandibular dissonance and being too small or maxilla are. If you have a small or narrow upper jaw, the part of the jawbone that teeth are located on the aft part of it can be separated and then use the tools of a wide (The name of the هیراکس) The extent of the increase is given. Tools for a wide jaw a few days before by an orthodontic surgery on your jaw will be put. After a few days, the upper jaw wider and your bones in the new situation and the larger. In the next step, our dentists front teeth you have moved to an open space created between them is closed. Meanwhile, the upper jaw and teeth of the aft to the wider mode have come in. This is an action that is commonly used for snack, often as part of the initial stage of orthodontic treatment before and a few months before the main act done Jaw surgery.

Front or back surgery, forcing the Chin (جنیوپلاستی)

In addition to modifying the status of part of the lower jaw bone which carries the teeth, the jaw bone in the Chin section, we often also low to the front, rear, top or bottom of the patient's face and profile up to کشيم are fully corrected. This action can improve the shape of the muscles and help to better closing the lips are also impacted.. This so-called جنیوپلاستی or displacement practice Chin are said to be. Dental professionals at our clinic to do this action a notch on the inside of the mouth and lower lip to create a following. Then the body of the Chin bone and jaw forward or backward can be moved. After its proper place in the Chin bone, using tiny screws or wiring in the new situation, fixed.. For the practice of جنیوپلاستی for bringing forward the lower part of the Chin, jaw bone can be moved to the front side of the.

Immediately after the end of surgery

  • Before discharge from the surgical Center and go to the House, drinking adequate amounts of fluids for proper nutrition and providing nutrients needed by the body is important.
  • To advise patients about refraining and the changes that are necessary in terms of your diet program and a program for a gradual return to normal diet is given.
  • Of smoking materials and performing physical activities dokhani stress should be strictly avoided.

Keep in mind that your speedy recovery right after surgery of the jaw is subject to the observance of all the instructions and the detailed recommendations of the doctor jrahtan..

  • Pain and discomfort after surgery of the jaw is easily manageable.. Medications to relieve your pain, as well as ice packs to reduce swelling and help if you can, will be prescribed.
  • The possibility of swelling after surgery if there is a jaw. Swelling of the face is usually in the distance 48 until the 72 It reaches its maximum hour after surgery and then gradually subsides. Often the effects of swelling of the face 7 until the 10 The day is completely gone, but very slight swelling may persist for several months.. Bruising and blood مردگی in the face, nasal congestion and sore throats of other natural effects that are possible after surgery of the jaw, experience it, and all of these side effects will go away gradually.
  • After the end of the ارتوگناتیک surgery, dentists orthodontic specialists in collaboration with our treatment programs to modify additional details of the appearance of the jaw, the teeth and the Chin you are doing. When the orthodontic brace is removed from your mouth, you may need to use a device called a retainer (ریتینر) Fixed to keep teeth in their new State of mind. But when you complete treatment with orthodontic courses before and after surgery of the jaw, it may take one to two years.


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