Measures after fleshy nose surgery

Measures after fleshy nose surgery

What are the measures after fleshy nose surgery?

Just as you need to follow some tips before rhinoplasty, postoperative rhinoplasty procedures are also very important. These measures include::

After surgery, you should eat soft and watery foods such as lukewarm soup.
Fleshy noses are usually more swollen after surgery. Be sure to use an ice pack to reduce swelling.
Consumption of natural juices, especially pineapple juice and celery juice, helps reduce swelling and bruising.
Be sure to take the prescribed medication on time.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Measures after fleshy nose surgery
Avoid opening your mouth and laughing out loud.
When you get home, eat soft, watery foods like soup and porridge.
until the 48 Apply ice packs on bruised areas an hour after surgery. Be careful not to put pressure on the nasal plaster.
To reduce swelling after fleshy nose surgery while sleeping and resting with a few pillows, raise your head above your body..
As long as the splint (Plaster) It is on your nose, avoid watering your face. Cosmetic wipes are the best option for cleansing the face.
To take a shower after rhinoplasty, with the help of a loved one, bend your head back and wash your hair without rinsing your face.. Then wash your body with a shower. Water should not come in contact with the face at all.

Know more : Facial makeup after nose surgery

Gluing the fleshy nose after surgery is very important. The glue reduces swelling as well as better nose formation. The gluing time for fleshy noses is longer than for bones and may be needed to reduce swelling 6 Moon use glue. Learn how to glue properly from your doctor.
Avoid sun, heat and solarium for at least two months after surgery.
From drinking alcohol and smoking at least to 2 Avoid the month after surgery.
Avoid severe nasal discharge for at least one month after surgery.
Avoid crowded places like the subway.


Dr Behnam khorami

Isfahan nose surgeon

Click to view the Instagram page of Dr. Behnam Khorami, a specialist and rhinosurgeon in Isfahan.

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