Surgery to remove the hump of the nose
Nose surgery or رینوپلاستیIt is one of the most common cases of cosmetic surgery, which is used in many cases to correct the bulge and fix the hump of the nose.. In fact, many people are looking for a flatter and more concave appearance on the bridge of their nose, and for this reason, surgery رینوپلاستی It is done on them.
If your nose is slightly broken but not out of place, you don't need any treatment other than rest and care for your nose injury.. But if your nose is seriously broken and needs to be fixed, you have several options for solving your problem. You can treat your nose at the doctor's office. In this case, Dr Nasal surgeon Usually, he will use some anesthetic and place your nasal bone in its correct position.
Next, the doctor fixes your nose in its correct place using a plastic, plaster, or metal mold. This mold may remain on your nose for a week. During the first two weeks after the injury, the doctor may recommend you to use this procedure or similar treatment methods using local anesthesia in the operating room..
Nasal hump surgery
However, eliminating the hump of the nose in more severe cases can also be done in the surgery of the hump of the nose. If a surgeon uses this method to correct a more severe nose bump or hump, a smooth surface is created on the bridge of the nose.. In this case, by breaking the bones of the nose and changing its shape, the appearance of the nose can be corrected and the patient's problem can be solved..
This process in the term Osteotomy It is called by cutting the bone with a special tool called an osteotome or bone cutting blade, which is a very small and sharp knife.. Once the bones are cut, their juxtaposition can be easily corrected.
edema, Bruises, and limited bleeding, all can be seen during the recovery period after hump removal. The swelling caused in this case usually lasts for several weeks. After a few days, the bruises around the nose and eyes will gradually disappear and at this time special creams can be used locally to hide these symptoms.. Usually, a splint is used for the first week after the nose surgery, and in this way, the nose can be restored to its new condition and appearance..
You can see the results of hump nose treatment after two weeks, but it is important to remember that the healing process takes time.. Creating the final results of hump nose treatment requires about one year of rhinoplasty.
Is your hump related to extra bone, extra cartilage, or both?
Today, it is known that not all cases of hump nose are formed in the same way. In fact, the bridge of the nose consists of bone in the upper third and cartilage in the lower two thirds.
Some people's hump is only related to the bony part of the bridge of the nose. In this way, it is possible to remove extra bone during rhinoplasty surgery in this case.
Other people may have a crooked nose due to excess cartilage. Fixing this problem is also possible by manipulating the cartilage that caused the bulge in this area.
Probably most cases of hump nose are related to both bone and cartilage problems. In this case, it is possible to use a combined method to remove the bone and correct the condition of the cartilage to solve the hump of the nasal bone..
How much nasal hump reduction is necessary for the patient?
It is important for the patient to establish proper communication with the surgeon to determine the amount of reduction needed in the nasal hump. Deciding on this issue depends a lot on the patient's personal preferences and desired aesthetic goals. The surgeon should be able to simulate the amount of reduction created in the nasal hump using digital equipment. And in this way, it can provide the patient with a suitable image for different levels of nasal hump removal to make a decision.
Some patients prefer to have a small amount of nasal bridge volume left after hump nose surgery. These conditions can be due to the preservation of some ethnic or family characteristics or only related to the personal interests of the patient..
Is the skin of the nose properly placed on the nasal septum after removing the hump?
This depends on the amount of reduction in the size of the nasal hump during the surgery. Although the hump of the nose can be reduced to different levels. For patients with thick skin. It is probably not possible to completely reduce the size of the nose according to the patient's wishes. This is usually due to concern that the skin may not be able to contract sufficiently to cover the reduced size around the nose.. is related. This problem can be associated with creating an unpleasant appearance in the nose and aggravating its problems.
Is there a need for a radix link in this case?
The surgeon must evaluate the condition of your nose and check the problem of fake hump. This problem occurs when the bony part above the bridge of the nose (Radix) It is developed less than necessary and this condition causes excessive bulking of the nasal tissue under the radix area.
Is there a need to use special grafts to prevent the middle third of the nose from collapsing in this case?
You can ask your surgeon about the use of special grafts in the mid-nasal area after hump reduction. It is important to know that it is possible to use this link . Even if there is not enough space in the middle third of the nose (Internal nasal valve) or collapsing it in order to provide sufficient support to the upper lateral cartilages after surgery to reduce the size of the nasal hump is necessary..
With the collection of skin on the nose and its soft tissue after reducing the hump of the nose, there is a possibility of scarring on the nose. Over a period of several years, this condition can cause the middle third of the nose to narrow or collapse. This condition can cause an unpleasant appearance for the nose and affect the person's respiratory function.
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