Male fantasy nose surgery

The purpose of male fantasy rhinoplasty

Facial beauty is one of the main and most important goals Nose surgery .. Most people are dissatisfied with the appearance of their noses and want to have their noses operated. Other goals of men's fantasy nose surgery include removing the hump of the nose. And that Nose surgery It also increases people's self-confidence.

Appearance feature of fancy nose surgery :

  • Sharpness of the tip of the nose
  • The tip of the nose is high
  • Reducing the size of the nose and its wings
  • Create an arc on the inter

Isfahan nose surgeon | Male semi-fantasy nose

fleshy semi-fantasy nose job

Many people think that during the process Fleshy nose surgery Can not shape the shape of the nose Does he like the result of the operation to be completely natural and only the defects of the nose to be eliminated, or does he like the nose to be slightly arched and the so-called And Semi Fantasy took off. The root of this thinking is in the past Nose surgery is, in a period that, unlike now, Nasal surgeon From the experience, skill and advanced tools required for nose surgery were not in the best possible way. Semi-fancy fleshy rhinoplasty means a type of Nose surgery in which fleshy noses become semi-fantasy. Today, many women and men want to do this model rhinoplasty are.

Features of the best semi-fantasy nose surgeon

  1. Put the health of the patient and maintaining the function of the nose as his first priority.
  2. The best semi-fantasy nose doctor fully explains all possible complications and risks of semi-fantasy nose operation to his patient and informs the patient..
  3. The best semi-doll nose surgeon designs the shape of the nose suitable for your facial anatomy in his mind and implements it on your face in the best way based on his knowledge and experience..
  4. According to the type of your nose and its structural features, he performs nose surgery in a way that does not harm the function of your nose..
  5. He has a high experience in the field of semi-fantasy nose surgery.
  6. It has successfully transformed many noses into a well-cut and beautiful semi-fantasy nose.
  7. The percentage of patient satisfaction with him is high.
  8. reduce the stress of the patient with his good and appropriate behavior.
  9. If the patient has unreasonable and irrational expectations of the result of his surgery, or if he does not have the necessary mental and physical conditions for the operation, he will never perform nose surgery..

What men are recommended for nose surgery?

It should be said that both women and men perform this common surgery in Iran to solve the following problems:

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan  | Male fantasy nose surgery

The cost of a semi-fantasy nose job

The cost of semi-fantasy rhinoplasty should be determined after examining your nose Isfahan nose surgeon inquire. Because it cannot be defined in general terms. The reason for this is that the nose of different people can have different types and for correction Breathing problems And the appearance of each need to perform various actions. Semi-fantasy surgery is better for whom?

This type of nose surgery, which is called semi-fantasy, is more popular among women than men. Usually surgery Semi-fancy nose And fantasy is more popular among women than men . Semi-fantasy rhinoplasty is better for people who have a cartilaginous nose and thin skin, due to better definition of the subtleties created in the nose..

It is also a good option for those who have a much bigger nose than their face. But because in this cosmetic surgery, the patient's nose becomes smaller than usual, this type of cosmetic surgery is not recommended for people with large and wide faces..

Suggested and readable content Dr Behnam khoramiJaw surgeon of Isfahan :

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