Bone remodeling (Bone augmentation) A term that refers to a variety of عملهایی that are used to build and strengthen the bone to dental implant placement can be *. In the event that the patient's jaw bone is not thick enough or too soft, you may before Implant placement surgery, There is a need to link the bones. The cause of this is that a powerful performance of Chew in the mouth, a lot of force on the bones arrived and if the jaw bone does not support enough of the implant, the implant to fail to. محکمتر rule and more bone transplantation for the implant creates.
These actions usually involve a bone transplant or bone of the jaw can be overnight materials. You can link your bones or bone is processed and prepared or obtained from another person (Bone bank). The materials are ready for the surrounding bone cause or link to the link section of the growth or cause bone cells are changed around the links. the best option for your bones, bone transplant using the patient's. In the patient's own bone link, probably a piece of bone from another part of the jaw (The rear section of the Chin or lower jaw is used. If you have enough bone of the jaw and facial surgeon fails to take these areas, may be required from other areas of the body like the thighs or legs (The tibial) Instead, use the link to the jaw bone. Tibial or femoral bone marrow contains bone cells-maker.. The use of the femur requires hospitalization and general anesthesia is. It may take nine months to grow enough bone transplantation to be able to support an implant as well.
There are several action for the reconstruction of the jaw bone that the surgeon, and depending on the type, location and number of ایمپلنتهایی that is to be used, one selects. In some cases, you may only need to link a component there is a bone that this work can be done simultaneously with implant surgery,. The status of the patient's jaw bone determines the process of therapy. If you don't like your bones of the jaw bone link, another good options are also available. The dentist can use materials obtained from human bone or the bulls astfaodeh. Of synthetic bone material can be used to link. محصولات جدیدی مانند پروتئین 2 مورفوژنتیک استخوان نیز قابل استفاده هستند. These materials are some of the body's cells to become bone are encouraged as a result there is no need to link the bones. This is a natural protein in the body there. This dental materials are made using DNA technology. Should know about the risks and benefits of the options available and consult with their doctor and badderbare it to decide.
The usual practice of bone remodeling
In normal condition, the patient has lost a tooth and wants it replaced with artificial implants and the Crown. If what happened many years ago might have teeth and bone in bone and analysis of this period are sufficient to support the implant does not exist. In these cases the patient's or someone else's bone from the Chin lifted and to rebuild lost bone is used so as to implant placement later *. This type of action in the maxillofacial surgeon's Office under applicable within the calming reggae. Before the action should do the CT scan to 3D image of astkhantan at the discretion of the maxillofacial surgeon.
Topical Anesthesia for stun practice area (In the case of bone remodeling is local and regional, and also get a link that gets removed from the bone) Gets used. Shear in the gums in the future where the implant is created, to determine how much and what kind of bone is required. In the event that the bone of the jaw and the Chin is removed, the surgeon for the following front teeth gums in shear of the mandible bone creates access to Chin.. A piece of bone from the Chin lifted that contains bone marrow also.. Many of the دندانپزشکها this is the place that gets removed from the bone, with another type of the linked materials are filled bone. This may be an area with a thin layer of tissue to be covered until the texture fill this space fails the gums. Then cut the area with stitch is closed.