Causes and symptoms of nasal septum perforation

Causes and symptoms of nasal septum perforation

Investigating the causes of nasal septum perforation

The two nasal cavities are separated by a blade called the septum. The nasal septum is made of bone and cartilage and helps the air flow in the nasal passages. The nasal septum can be damaged and this damage can lead to complications. One type of damage to the nasal septum is when a hole is made in it. The mucous layer that covers the nasal septum has blood vessels that nourish the cartilage tissue.. If this tissue is accidentally damaged and the nutrition of the cartilage is disturbed, its cells will die and for this reason a hole will be created in the nasal septum.. This problem can cause symptoms that vary from mild to severe. According to the nose surgeon of Isfahan, the symptoms often depend on the size of the hole created in the nasal septum.

Symptoms of nasal septum perforation

Symptoms of a perforated blade vary from person to person. Often, the symptoms are the size of a door hole nasal septum it depends. A doctor can determine the size of the hole created in the septum by clinical examination. The size of the nasal septum hole can be categorized as follows:

  • Little (Smaller than a centimeter)
  • medium (Between one and two centimeters)
  • big (Larger than two centimeters)

In many cases, a person may not have any symptoms and may never notice that his nasal septum is pierced.. In general, the severity of the symptoms is very different and the person may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Nasal wheezing and whistling when breathing
  2. Scaling inside the nose
  3. Itchy feeling in the nose
  4. Feeling of nasal congestion
  5. nosebleed
  6. Rhinorrhea
  7. Nasal pain and headache
  8. Bad smell in the nose

Causes of nasal septum perforation

Nasal septum perforation may occur for various reasons. Some of these reasons include:

  • Failed nose surgery
  • Trauma, such as a broken nose
  • Excessive use of intranasal steroid, phenylephrine and oxymetazoline sprays
  • Cocaine use through the nose
  • Certain types of chemotherapy
  • Some autoimmune disorders
  • Some underlying infections

If you work with certain chemicals such as mercury fulminate, arsenic, cement, and those used in chrome plating, you may be at increased risk of nasal septum perforation.. By observing things like using a humidifier and humidifier at home, using saline spray (salty) To wash the nose, avoid manipulation of the nose and avoid the use of cocaine, you can reduce the possibility of creating a hole in the nasal septum..

See a doctor to diagnose nasal septum perforation

You may not have any symptoms of nasal septum perforation, or you may be negligent in examining and treating it because the nasal septum hole is not visible, but if you suspect a nasal septum perforation or have symptoms related to the presence of a problem in the nose or If you are breathing, you should see a doctor. Visiting a doctor to diagnose nasal septum perforation may include the following:

  1. Questions about your health records (Including past surgeries and medications you take) and the habits you have (drug use)
  2. Extranasal examination
  3. Intranasal examination by endoscopy or palpation of the nasal septum
  4. Nasal sampling
  5. Laboratory tests

Treatment of perforated nasal septum

Diagnosing a perforated blade leads to a treatment plan that will be carried out by the doctor. The doctor aims to treat the root cause (If found)Reducing the symptoms caused by the nasal septum and closing the hole in the septum will advance your treatment plan.

There are some simple solutions to reduce the symptoms of pierced nose:

  1. hygiene
  2. Moisten the inside of the nose with saline spray (salty)
  3. Use a humidifier to keep the air moist
  4. OBOUse of antibiotic ointment for inside the nose

Another non-surgical method is to use a prosthesis to close the nostrils. These types of prostheses are called button prostheses. By placing this prosthesis in the hole in the nasal septum, the doctor blocks it, and in this way, the symptoms of the hole in the septum disappear.. It may be necessary to perform surgery to repair the nasal septum and remove the hole. For this type of surgery, it is better to choose an experienced doctor. Nasal septum hole repair surgery requires anesthesia, and the surgeon may use the tissue of the nose itself or the cartilage removed from the person's own ear or rib to repair the septum.. After the surgery, a splint will be placed inside your nose so that the healing process goes well.

Nasal septum piercing | Dr Behnam khorami (Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan)

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Nasal septum deviation and nasal septum hole

If the nasal septum is not in the center and is too much inclined to the right or left, in this case, the person has a deviation of the nasal septum, which is different from septal perforation.. A deviated septum may cause airway obstruction, snoring, and sleep apnea. Some symptoms of nasal deviation and septum perforation are common, such as nosebleeds, nose pain, or headache, and you must see a doctor for diagnosis.. Visiting a doctor helps to diagnose the condition of the nose. Correcting a deviated nose is much easier than repairing a hole in the nasal septum.

Treatment of nasal deviation

Nasal deviation It may be only superficial and the nasal septum is not deviated. If there is a deviation of the internal nasal blade, it can be corrected through septoplasty. Septoplasty does not affect the appearance of the nose and only treats the internal deviation of the nose. If the applicant wants to have cosmetic surgery in addition to the internal deviation of the nasal septum, in this case septorhinoplasty will be performed for him, which is a simultaneous cosmetic surgery and Nasal deviation Is.

In septoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision on one side of the nose to access the nasal septum. Then he lifts the mucous layer from the septum and places the bony blade of the nose in the right direction and cuts the extra bone and cartilage.. Performing rhinoplasty surgery and correction of nasal deviation at the same time saves time and money.

In general, to perform any surgery, it is better to choose a skilled surgeon and an expert team with complete research and correct information. With a right choice, you can experience a good cosmetic or reconstructive surgery and experience a better feeling with the satisfaction of the result.

Points related to nasal septum piercing

Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps (Nasal Polyp) A soft, gray lump looks like a bunch of grapes or a tear drop, which may develop in the sinuses or nasal cavity.. This lump is non-cancerous and is not painful to touch. Some polyps are small and the person does not notice their presence, but others are large and cause symptoms that cause problems for the person involved.. Polyps can occur at any age and gender, but it is more likely to occur in people over 40 and women.. Nasal polyps are usually basal and occur on both sides of the nose, but they may occur on only one side of the nose..

Cause of sinusitis

The mucus that is produced and secreted through the sinuses is transferred to the nose through small channels. In sinusitis, these channels will become blocked as the sinus linings become inflamed. Acute sinusitis is often caused by a cold and is a viral infection. In rare cases, a bacterial infection may cause this disease.

Nasal deviation

The nasal septum normally divides the nasal cavity into two equal ways. The division of the space in the nasal cavity is because if it is one, the created air circulation may prevent optimal breathing. Also, having two parts of the respiratory tract prevents the transmission of infection from one side to the other. When the nasal deviation occurs, the nasal septum is deviated and the airway is closed on one side than the other side, which interferes with the function of the nose and causes related problems..

Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

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