Zirconia implants

Zirconia implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth root that replaces the natural tooth root and on which a ceramic coating is installed to replace the crown and thus be filling vacancies. Connect veneer implant abutments carried by the intermediate piece. Until recently, all of the titanium implants were made using zirconia implants, but now also entered the market and is growing in popularity.

The biocompatibility of titanium implants and zirconia materials and their success rate is very good.
The process of integration of bone implants performed well in both the.
Integration process of bone growth around the implant and bone fusion implants are known to. The real dental implants similar strengths.
بسیاری از ایمپلنتهای زیرکونیا به صورت یک تکه ساخته می‌شوند به این معنی که اباتمنت و پایه ایمپلنت یک تکه هستند و لازم نیست اباتمنت را در مرحله‌ ای جداگانه بر روی ایمپلنت پیچ کنید. The elements that must be controlled and reduced risk of complications associated with these implants is reduced.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Isfahan, Tohid Miyani St., in front of Saman Bank, Tandis Building, Unit 5
Phone:36272377 031