What are facial prostheses?
Facial prostheses are used to shape different parts of the face, these prostheses bring beauty and charm to the patient..
Facial prostheses are available in various genders and shapes, but considering that the overall beauty of the face is a combination of various features; Deciding on the size, shape and material of these prostheses requires complete aesthetic knowledge along with art, which allows the surgeon to create maximum attractiveness and beauty for the patient..
The technique of facial prostheses
The design of facial prostheses according to the different logic of each person's life and also the needs of patients have different designs. If we want to mention the most famous and common facial prostheses, we should mention jaw, cheek, and nose prostheses.. According to the obtained statistics, facial prostheses are among the most used prostheses, all of which are used by patients by making a small incision inside the mouth and placing them in the anatomical area of the face..
Duration of operation of facial prostheses
The duration of this surgery is about one to two hours.
Based on the desired area, the patient is put under anesthesia or local anesthesia with superficial drowsiness .
Complications from facial prostheses
For a lot of people has always been the question arises that if after the implant operation and when the prosthesis is located in case people have side effects or the danger threatens them or not?
To answer this question, we must say that the only risks that can threaten you are the rupture of the prosthesis, the infection of the prosthetic site, or the replacement of the prosthesis.. In case of any of these events, you must see a doctor and if necessary, the prosthesis should be removed from the body or face..
General result of facial prosthetics surgery
The results of facial prosthesis surgery are different for each patient. But in general, it can be said that these results are permanent and in few cases, it has been seen that the patient needs another surgery.