Common problems that require surgery for damaged noses

Common problems that require surgery for damaged noses

Common problems that require surgery for damaged noses

Many people who undergo rhinoplasty complain of some problems with their rhinoplasty after surgery.. Sometimes such a sensitive and complex operation has not been performed by an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon, who is always recommended to patients to perform rhinoplasty by specialized surgeons. (Nasal surgeon ) See this work. For this reason, it is very likely that the patient's nasal problems will not go away after the operation or that many other problems will occur..
Common problems that indicate the need for damaged nose surgery include::

  • Blockage of the nasal airways
  • Drooping of the nasal bone or its cartilage
  • Extreme beauty of the nose or overly artificial appearance
  • Sagging of the inner and outer nostrils
  • Asymmetry of the two sides of the nose
  • Excessive increase in posterior nasal height or vice versa
  • Incomplete nasal formation
  • Excessive shrinkage of the nose
  • Enlargement of the nose
  • Excessive narrowing of the tip of the nose
  • Thick tissue formation Oscar Internally or externally
  • Occurrence of some respiratory problems in the patient

Types of problems with damaged nose surgery

Sometimes the problems that necessitate damaged nose surgery are very simple and minor and can be easily resolved.. However, if after the initial nose surgery, a major problem or disorder in the nose, such as respiratory problems, develops in this person, in these circumstances, repairing damaged noses requires more skill and expertise from the specialist surgeon than the initial surgery.. Because the nose, as one of the main organs of the face, has lost its natural anatomy and structure. Before primary rhinoplasty, this section has simple tissues that are removed after surgery and are replaced by scar tissue.. Therefore, during surgery of damaged noses, changes in the position of nasal cartilage and bone left over from the initial surgery are associated with special difficulty and sensitivity..

If the surgery of the damaged nose is planned correctly and with the experience and expertise of the surgeon, no further operations will be needed.. In fact, such a surgery must be accompanied by the patience of the doctor and the patient so that the desired result is achieved and there is no need for third and fourth operations.

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