The cost of nose surgery

The cost of nose surgery

One of the most common questions that visitors ask on the site and in the office is about the cost of rhinoplasty in Isfahan. For this purpose, we have collected a complete office that will acquaint you with the price and cost of rhinoplasty.. I suggest you read this office to the end.

rhinoplasty (رینوپلاستی) It has become very popular in recent years, and the number of applicants for this surgery is increasing exponentially among Iranian men and women.. People from different classes are calling for rhinoplasty, which is performed at different prices in Tehran, the beauty capital of the Middle East..

The term nose job in English refers to a trade in rhinoplasty that has unfortunately become popular in recent years.. A standard and quality rhinoplasty 1.5 It takes up to two hours. Closed price The price of the day and the type of nose and the operations required for it vary..

Of course, rhinoplasty is definitely a surgery (Rogen or reoperation) Elsewhere, the first operation, performed by Dr. Khorami, is more difficult and takes longer.. (The cost of reconstructive rhinoplasty varies slightly and is higher than the cost of primary rhinoplasty.)

For information on the cost of rhinoplasty in Dr. Behnam Khorami's office Contact us get.

The cost of rhinoplasty depends on many factors, and most people are looking for effective factors in reducing the cost of rhinoplasty to reduce the cost of rhinoplasty.

Most people are looking for low-cost rhinoplasty. The cost of Nose surgery It depends on many factors such as the duration of the surgery, the type of rhinoplasty, the duration of the anesthesia and the services provided at the hospital..

The cost of rhinoplasty also depends on the surgeon's expertise, the complexity of the surgery, and even the geographical location of the rhinoplasty.. Rhinoplasty is performed to improve the appearance of the nose or the function of the nose or both, and it is very important to know which surgeon and how to do it.. In some cases, rhinoplasty may be covered by insurance for rhinoplasty, but insurance for rhinoplasty may not cover rhinoplasty..

Factors affecting the cost of surgery:

Specialist surgeon:

The reputation and expertise of a rhinosurgeon has a great impact on reducing the fear and stress of rhinoplasty and a great impact on the cost of rhinoplasty. If rhinoplasty is performed by an experienced rhinosurgeon, you will achieve the desired result, so you can't just choose your rhinosurgeon just to pay less, and you can't say that a rhinosurgeon who pays a lot of money specializes. And he has enough experience and to ensure the work and expertise of the rhinosurgeon, regardless of the cost of rhinoplasty, you should do enough research on the expertise and experience of the surgeon and ask him your questions and see the photos before and after the operation of his patients. Then you can ask him about the details of the surgery and the cost of rhinoplasty and then decide.


Rhinoplasty can be performed in a hospital or outpatient surgery center or in a private office, and you must make sure you have rhinoplasty in a reputable location before surgery.. Rhinoplasty in the surgeon's private office is performed in a special suite, and due to the use of the surgeon's own room equipment, the surgeon and his surgeons' assistants are less expensive. Another person is given a nose job by a surgeon. Hospitals are more expensive than the other two because they have the most equipment and facilities.. (But we do not recommend nasal surgery in the office)


The method of rhinoplasty varies according to the patient's condition, and the type of rhinoplasty will greatly affect the cost of rhinoplasty. Due to the difficulty and complexity of rhinoplasty, the cost of rhinoplasty is affected. Depending on the patient's condition, it may be necessary to be hospitalized to monitor the patient's condition, which is also effective in determining the cost of surgery..

Use of anesthesia:

In rhinoplasty, if anesthesia is needed, the anesthesia process is managed by an anesthesiologist, and the patient's vital signs during the operation are monitored by an anesthesiologist and anesthesiologist.. The use of anesthesiologist services is also effective in the cost of rhinoplasty, and if anesthesia is not required according to the diagnosis of the rhinosurgeon, the cost of rhinoplasty may be reduced, but the use of anesthesia services can cause the patient during surgery. The nose should be relaxed and the nose surgery should be performed safely.

The duration of rhinoplasty:

Due to the complexity of the surgery, a rhinoplasty may be performed in more or less time. For example, performing several operations simultaneously, such as nasal congestion and crookedness … It increases the duration of rhinoplasty, and simpler surgery is performed in less time, which can be effective in determining the cost of rhinoplasty..

Isfahan nose surgeon

Dr. Behnam Khorami is one of the best doctors in rhinoplasty in Isfahan. To make you more familiar with Dr. and answer the question of why we should choose Dr. Behnam Khorami for our rhinoplasty, an article entitled Isfahan nose surgeon Written for you that you've got all the questions and ambiguities to select relieve of nasal surgery.

Read article Isfahan nose surgeon


Different types of nose surgery

Different types of nose surgery

Different types of nose surgery |

The operation of a rhinosurgeon can correct physical abnormalities that impede breathing, such as those caused by birth defects. They can also correct the effects of physical injury.. By deforming and

Replacing cartilage and nasal bone, your rhinoplasty surgeon can help you breathe easily and use the available methods in appearance..

Nose surgery

It can be "open" or "closed". Open rhinoplasty is a reconstruction on the outside of the nose, while closed rhinoplasty or closed nose surgery involves only an incision inside the nose.. Although possible, surgeons from one

Use a closed technique to prevent visible wounds, but in the event of severe injury, or when the treatment site is in the nasal cavity, nasal surgery may be open.. A skilled and qualified surgeon can

Minimize open surgical incisions inside the nose.

Treatment of nasal deviation

The nasal cavity separates into two parts that extend from the upper part of the nose, where it connects to the skull.. The septum consists of several sections of cartilage and bone. The lower part is on the anterior spine

It is located, the supporting bone that you can feel at the point where the nose and the upper part of the nose. The septum extends to one nasal cavity, and nasal deviation occurs when instead of two

The equal passage disappears and only one of your nostrils breathes freely. When the septum bends to one side, it can form an S shape or a C shape. Both types of septa can deviate

Stop the flow of air and eventually damage the soft tissue of the nose, resulting in difficulty breathing.

Large turbines

Rhinoplasty can also correct large turbines. These long, thin bones extend into the nasal cavity and end in a small, twisted, handle-like shape.. Three sets of turbines

There is: Superior turbines located inside the nose between the eyes; The middle turbines are located in the middle of the nose; And lower turbines, which are located just above the nostril line. Soft fabric covers turbinates

Some surgeons correct large turbines by removing tissue and reducing their size.. Some surgeons do not remove any of this tissue.

Instead, they break the turbines outward. In some cases, destroying them can lead to a painful condition called atrophic rhinitis.. This can lead to chronic infection and overproduction of mucus.

Nasal polyps

Like large turbines, nasal polyps are often associated with allergies and irritation. This benign growth develops inside the nose as light and jelly bulbs. To remove them, the surgeon uses a device

Spirals are inserted into the nostrils and carefully emptied. Unfortunately, nasal polyps are more likely to recur, so patients with the disease should also take allergy medications.

Read below, we explained more fully.

Fractures of the nose

There are several types of nasal fractures. If left untreated, these fractures can impede breathing. Fractures can form anywhere in the nose, a "bony pyramid" of the nose. Fractures

Greenstick occurs along both sides of the nasal bone. They often occur in children, whose bones are growing and are very flexible. The heavier type of fracture causes the grain to deform

This condition can cause the face of a volunteer for rhinoplasty to change significantly, and this can lead to severe facial damage or loss of cartilage from eating drugs such as cocaine.

Be. In these fractures, the surgeon uses rib or cartilage bone tissue to rebuild the bridge and septum. There is also a type of fracture called a "broken nose" when a bone splits into more than two pieces.

It is broken. To repair a broken fracture, a nasal surgeon removes the bones again and removes any extra bone obstruction that is causing serious injury.. This type of fracture is the most common case

It is more common in elderly patients with brittle bones after severe physical injury.

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