The jaw joint diseases:The symptoms and treatment

The jaw joint diseases

The joint of the jaw or the so called تمپورومندیبولار joint, causing temporal bone of the skull down to the jaw connection gets . This allows the joint of the jaw in all directions of movement, and so the teeth can easily feed gas and bjund .
In joint diseases of the jaw joint, muscles, and لیگامانهایی that are responsible for the detailed control, did not work well with each other and are causing pain . این مشکل در خانمها 3 برابر بیشتر از آقایان شایع است .

More jaw joint diseases due to spasms, cramps عضلاتی to chew into the process of creating work that this condition is often caused by teeth grinding or jaw, squeezing together does update . Squeezing the jaw and teeth grinding is possible in cases where the individual is high stress is created .

Chew food bad causing pressure on the muscles of the jaw and the jaw joint may cause disease . As well as the incoming blows to the head, neck or jaw joint that causes the displacement would be . Can cause the jaw joint diseases . In rare cases, arthritis (Arthritis) Can cause this problem be

Symptoms of the disease of the jaw joint

If you have an illness are jaw joint may be one or more of the following mark note :
* Head pain
* Being sensitive and sore muscles
* Facial pain
* Severe pain near the ears

The treatment of

The dentist may request you a panoramic radiography images of mouth and does فکتان . Also, MRI ( MRI ) The joint of the jaw also may be requested .
The jaw joint treatment of the disease with the goal of removing spasms and cramps and pain relief are also done . The patient himself can also be to fix this problem do actions that are :

A warm and wet towels on the face massaging the muscles for eating soft foods and putting the device in the mouth when the night of the occurrence of bruxism during sleep prevent . Pain medication such as acetaminophen and aspirin ingestion may also be helpful. .

If the cramp is intense, the dentist may have a muscle relaxant medication prescribe متوکاربامول like . If the problem causes you stress, relaxation exercises you may be useful to Neurology .
If the lack of pairing your teeth cause this condition, the dentist may be fixed or removable orthodontic wire you put .

Of every four people who suffered jaw joint disease, treatment with three of them do recover within three months . However, in some cases, problems can be resolved and the patients need to do surgery, repair of the joint of the jaw can be found

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