The causes of nasal polyps

Effective factors and possible mechanisms


Nasal polyps One of the common diseases of the upper respiratory tract is due to chronic inflammation in the inner tissues of the nose and sinuses.. These soft, non -canceled and painless masses can cause nasal tract obstruction and respiratory problems if over -growing.. Although the exact cause of nasal polyps is still unclear, studies have shown that a combination of inflammatory, genetic, and environmental factors contribute to their creation.. In this article from the site of Dr. Behnam Khorrami (Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan), Possible Causes of Nasal Polys, including allergies, Chronic Infections, Asthma, and Sensitivity to Chemicals, are investigated..

1.. Allergies and its role in creating nasal polyps

Allergies One of the most important factors that can help create and grow nasal polyps. When one is exposed to allergens such as flower pollen, dust, animal hair or molds, the immune system reacts and inflammation causes inflammation.. This inflammation may become chronic and cause abnormal growth of intra -nasal coating tissues..


The entry of allergens into the nose stimulates the immune system and releases inflammatory chemicals such as histamine.

Histamine and other inflammatory intermediaries cause swelling and increased mucosal production in the nose..

In some people, this continuous inflammation may lead to structural changes in the mucous membrane and ultimately forming polyps.


People with allergic rhinitis (Seasonal or permanent sensitivity)

People exposed to dust, cigarette smoke or environmental pollutants

Patients with food allergies or skin allergies (Like eczema)

2.. Chronic sinus infections and their role in creating nose polyps

Sinus infections (Sinusitis) Another important factor that can be involved in the formation of nasal polyps. These infections can cause prolonged inflammation in the sinuses and nasal ducts, which may eventually lead to the growth of polyps..

How sinus infections affect the nose polyps

Viral, bacterial or fungal infections cause constant irritation and inflammation in the sinuses and nasal mucosa..

Continuous inflammation causes the mucosal membrane thickening and increased mucosal secretion..

In some patients, this chronic inflammation can lead to the growth of nasal polyps..

Chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are observed in many patients with chronic sinusitis. This relationship may be due to the continued stimulation of the immune system and increased inflammatory responses in patients with sinusitis..

۳. Asthma and its relationship with nose polyps

Asthma is one of the chronic respiratory diseases that are closely related to nasal polyps. Many people with asthma, especially those with non -allergic asthma, are at higher risk for nasal polyps.

Why are patients with asthma exposed to nasal polyps?

Asthma And nasal polyps are both associated with chronic inflammation of the air ducts.

In asthma patients, inflammation occurs not only in the lungs, but also in the nasal ducts..

Asthma and nasal polyps with allergies to aspirin (Carmeter syndrome) Some patients have been observed as "triaudes".

The role of inflammation in the creation of nasal polyps in patients with asthma

Continuous inflammation causes structural changes in the walls of the nose and sinuses..

These changes may lead to the formation of nasal polyps that grow over time and block the air flow path..

4.. Sensitivity to chemicals and its effect on nasal polyps

Exposure to various chemicals, including cigarette smoke, air pollutants, strong odors (Like perfumes and detergents) And industrial chemicals can lead to chronic irritation and inflammation in the nose..

How do chemicals grow nasal polyps?

Continuous inhalation of stimulants increases mucosal production and swelling of the nasal membrane.

Some of these substances destroy the nasal mucosal cells and cause chronic inflammation..

Chronic inflammation can lead to gradual growth of nasal polyps.

People who are at higher risk

People working in industrial or chemical environments

People who are constantly exposed to cigarette smoke or air pollution

People who are allergic to spicy odors and chemicals

5. The role of genetic factors in the creation of nasal polyps

Research shows that genetic factors can also play a role in the incidence of nasal polyps.. If a member of your family has a nasal polyps, you will also increase your chances of developing.

How genetic impact on the formation of nasal polyps

Some people are genetically prone to chronic inflammation of the nose and sinuses.

The presence of some genetic mutations can increase the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to stimulating factors..

Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Causes of nasal polyps


Nasal polyp is a multi -factor disease that is mainly caused by chronic inflammation in the nose and sinuses.. Allergies, chronic sinus infections, asthma, chemical sensitivity, and genetic factors are the most important causes of this complication.. Understanding these factors and their control can help reduce the risk of nasal polyps and improve the quality of life of patients..

Useful links:

Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

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