Characteristics of fleshy nose

Characteristics of fleshy nose

Fleshy nose surgery

رینوپلاستی A nose job is a surgery that is performed on the nose, which has thick skin with open holes in the skin. With this method, the fleshy tip of the patient's nose is raised and the cartilage of the nose is strengthened.

Characteristics of fleshy nose

According to the different characteristics of your nose, you can find out whether your nose is fleshy or bony.

Meat noses have different characteristics. Including:

The most important difference between fleshy and bony noses is the thickness of the nasal skin. The thickness of the skin on fleshy noses is much greater than that of bony noses. For this reason, the surgical procedure in these types of noses is more difficult. Also, one of the reasons for the return of fleshy nose after the operation is also related to the thick skin of the nose.

  • weak skeleton

The skeleton of the nose includes its bones and cartilages. In fleshy nose, this skeleton contains weaker tissue than bony nose. This is the reason why many changes cannot be made during nose surgery.

For this reason, a good nose surgeon knows that he should not aggravate the weakness of this skeleton and instead should strengthen it..

Many skilled nose surgeons can help to strengthen the cartilages of the nose by taking the cartilages of other parts of the patient's body, such as the ears or the ribs, and thus prevent its weakening and the occurrence of nose drooping after the operation..

  • The presence of many sebaceous glands under the skin tissue

You may also have a fleshy nose and you have seen how oily the skin of this type of nose is and how many pores there are on it.. These fat glands are not present in bony noses and are considered to be one of the special characteristics of fleshy noses..

Characteristics of fleshy nose | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

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How is rhinoplasty compared to other types of rhinoplasty?

In the past, fleshy rhinoplasty often involved removing the nasal cartilage. However, it sometimes resulted in indentation and scarring of the skin, making it virtually impossible for the patient to achieve a balanced and natural appearance.. Currently, by performing nose rhinoplasty, the patient can beautify the appearance of his face and enjoy a nose that complements the facial features..


Meat nose surgery method

The following techniques are used to make liposuction surgery effective:

  1. Rather, it is enlarging the nose by creating a bridge over the nose: Since the skin of the nose is thick, the cartilage graft is best used to show the profile of the tip and bridge of the nose.
  2. Fat reduction in soft tissue: Fats that make up the soft tissue, especially at the tip of the nose, are expertly thinned to better highlight the features of the nose..
  3. Proportionate reduction in nose size: If the distance between the skin and the nasal skeleton is too much, there is a greater chance of scarring or the formation of excess fat, which causes an undesirable shape change..
  4. Current structural support: Thicker skin requires a stronger structure due to its heavier weight. Therefore, experienced cosmetic surgeons will create a correct proportion between the size and structure of the nose. After restoring the nasal skin to its natural position, the reinforced structure helps the skin to find a better position.

In general, rhinoplasty with thick fleshy skin requires a high degree of expertise and experience, as the surgeon's correct understanding of the correct size of the nose is critical to obtaining a good result..

Care after cosmetic surgery

You should follow your surgeon's instructions after surgery:

  • Using a cold compress to reduce swelling and bruising
  • Timely use of prescribed drugs
  • Use prescribed cold medicines to prevent colds and coughs.

To prevent the formation of new skin, to obtain a better result, it is usually necessary to keep the nasal strip on the nose for at least one period in the long term..


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