What drives people to undergo a secondary rhinoplasty?

What drives people to undergo a secondary rhinoplasty?

Secondary rhinoplasty

You should note that any defects in the nose cannot make it mandatory to perform nose reconstruction surgery.

You should consider doing this procedure when you have one of the following factors:

  1. The height is more than the size of the nose
  2. Occurrence of an excessive arch on the nasal septum
  3. Asymmetry in the nostrils
  4. Asymmetry in the nostrils
  5. occurrence of deviation in Septum
  6. Excessive shrinkage of the nose
  7. Occurrence of respiratory disorders
  8. And finally, no change in the appearance of the nose and treatment of structural problems of the nose

Remember that minor flaws in the appearance of the nose may appear after surgery, which is better to deal with than to accept the risk of reconstructive nose surgery.. Therefore, if you are obsessed, consult a good nose reconstruction surgeon before proceeding with nose reconstruction.

What is very important for nose reconstruction surgery is that people have a reasonable expectation to perform this surgery. You should keep in mind that performing nose reconstructive surgery can also result in a photo. Therefore, consult your doctor first about the necessity of performing this surgery.

What drives people to undergo a secondary rhinoplasty? | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

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Be careful, sometimes the structure of the nose may not allow people to have a second surgery.
You should note that nose surgery should be done at least one year after the initial surgery.
The inside of the nose must be free of any wounds.
For a successful surgical experience, the surgeon must know all the details of the primary surgery.
Reconstructive rhinoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia in case of minor changes. But if the nose needs major changes and corrections, it should be done under general anesthesia.
In case of major disorders such as Nasal deviation or a person's need to Bone grafting Open nose surgery is performed.
Care after reconstructive rhinoplasty is more important than primary rhinoplasty, and a person should follow the recommendations after rhinoplasty more carefully..

How to perform reconstructive nose surgery

This surgery can be performed as a closed or open nose surgery depending on the type of damage and defects of the nose. But the important point in this operation is to pay attention to the skin damage in the nose, which if performed by an experienced surgeon can reduce the risk of the repair operation to some extent.. Note that if the skin damage is excessive, the surgeon may not recommend reconstructive surgery.


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