Nasal septum deviation?

Nasal septum deviation tilt anomalies or other anomalies of the nasal septum, nasal walls from the middle with divided into two equal parts. The cartilaginous nasal septum of two parts (Near the tip of the nose) And bone (Near the forehead) Is formed.

Common symptoms of nasal obstruction, nasal راههوای tilt clear nasal discharge without a mark, in most cases, the causes of the rapid growth, especially when puberty hit the nose Rhinoplasty nasal deviation cases resonator factors listed above come from a blow to the nose prevention prevention. to fill sports clash and cycling use of protective کلاههای. When you ride in the car seat belt to close your. The expected consequences usually is curable with surgery. If the patient's symptoms are not usually a requirement for مشکلزا is not surgically. The possible effects of frequent nose bleeding frequent infections of the nose or sinuses treat this situation with a view inside the nose with the use of a nasal واسپکولوم light is detected. Surgery to correct the deviation of nasal septum (Sometimes).

Surgical procedures include :
Harvest the submucosal, which diminishes the obstruction.
رینوپلاستی کالبدشناختی nose deformity that rectification works.
سپتوپلاستی that the obstruction of the nose and improve its facade sculptures.
Medications for mild discomfort, such as using drugs without prescription zdahtqanha to reduce nasal secretions may be sufficient.
Antibiotics to fight the infection is prescribed, if necessary.

Alert :
Do not use nasal اسپریهای غیرنسخهای. The activity at the time of catching the disease after surgery will gradually resume your normal activities on what conditions you need to see a doctor? If you or one of your family members has the symptoms of nasal septum deviation, nasal bleeding or infections, especially of the nose and sinuses, and tend to have it corrected with surgery.

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