Cosmetic surgery of the nose is different for each person. The Act of بینیاصولا to break the nose or a change in the bone in the nose for is. The instructions below that relate to reduce swelling of the nose can be provided by the physician to follow .
Guidelines for the surgical practice ahead of the nose
1- Merajah to the doctor about the comments.. Before the operation, the doctor will give you instructions to reduce inflation gives. Some of the guidelines dealing with safe practices to prevent unwanted medicine events during and after cosmetic surgery will be given بینیخود. Other guidelines to help prepare your body for surgery and the healing process after it, as well as to help reduce swelling.. The swelling that occurs is dependent on many variables. So should your doctor's instructions for reducing the swelling noted.
2- Do the guidelines two weeks before rhinoplasty it is necessary two weeks ago began to eat the doctor prescribed medications that you have to do. Medications causing changes that may cause problems during and after surgery, such as additional inflation and lead to long-lasting, are prescribed. Your remedies with herbal medicine or add a small amount of a supplement for two weeks before surgery to consumption. These medications can make your body to deal with the complications and problems during the surgery and after surgery to prepare.
3- Working with your doctor. Your doctor will make a list of medications including herbal supplements, at least 30 The day before rhinoplasty to plan your consumption. At this time تععین you can have a relationship with your doctor when taking medications as necessary and when should never be stopped without consulting a doctor. medicinal prescription. initial planning with your doctor on a regular basis have before because a lot of commands for taking down the drugs and stop them it is necessary. Some of the prescription drugs should not stop taking them. Let your physician taking medications as prescribed before surgery, and the doctor's instructions to follow before the operation.
4- Stop too drugs. You can stop some drugs but not all of them. This will allow the doctor that gives you time to stop any anti-inflammatory medication such as Ki. ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin, which requires a two-week preoperative nose. taking too high can cause extra bleeding drugs after surgery are.
5- Plan to stop taking all supplements. You should stop taking supplements two or three weeks before the operation, which your doctor will recommend. Some herbal products may interfere with anesthetics, and some may interfere with others. They may cause more bleeding and swelling after cosmetic surgery. Drugs such as omega 3 and omega 6 Available in fish oil supplements, flaxseed, ephedra, emerald, garlic, ginger, licorice, valerian, kava water, gold seal, ginseng should be a plan to stop them. Of course not but that this list is not a complete herbal supplements should tell their physician so that the list of herbal products will give you.
6- Proper diet. A healthy diet can make your recovery sooner and have less inflation. So you must follow the instructions prior to surgery as well as practical after that offers physician respected. eat the fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber is very good. Examples of substances that contain fiber are نخودفرنگی, artichoke, broccoli, lentils, beans, black beans, etc.
Fibre from foods to prevent constipation. Analgesic drugs that provide the surgeon often causes constipation can be an individual. Strain-induced constipation can cause additional swelling and bleeding in surgical. sodium consumption to reduce swelling after surgery of the nose down enough for water consumption recovery sooner and reduce swelling, it is necessary.
7- Abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes. If you are a smoker, smoking should be a few weeks before you stop your Rhinoplasty. The healing process in smoker reduced by.Smoking increases the risk of infection. avoid eating of alcoholic drinks. Because the alcohol thins the blood, avoid drinking alcohol for at least five days before the surgery is required.