Many of my patients about Not the same ( Or lack of context ) Two halves for a lot of questions have been asked and therefore in this case I need a few things to say. after coming to the world of the child developmental pattern of the body begins . In normal mode the growth of different parts of the body on the basis of the pattern of inheritance is that at the end of individual attributes determine anyone's . This pattern of growth include the left and right parts of the body can also be . Because many of the members of the bodies here are located on both sides of the body ( Hands, feet, fingers, eyes, and cheeks … ) So to somehow separate growth pattern, and so left and right of the body may not have the same growth and individual differences and together the two side of the same body he is totally too low to be seen ( less than 1 % The population of the world body and the context are completely ) . These differences are important in some cases and we have to pay attention to the subconscious ( Like when you buy shoes or gloves, or lose the right foot for the exam we used )
In normal mode due to the low difference in the half of the body is usually not detectable to anyone and there are no allergic reactions to it, but not so about the faces or wearing clothes and face because people with known and judged and also the most important role of the individual and social communication are always a special role, and the smallest defects with its problems easily handled and A person's puts negative impact relations. not the same problems on both sides for a wide range of severe congenital mode that ASP "Hemi فاشیال میکروزومیا is said to be the beginning of a very mild case and that person never realize it is not the end of the .
Because of the wide range of problems, as long as the person realizes it or not does not make sense to require the treatment need to work sometimes, but because certain. changes in person ( Such as being obese and lean ) Comes into existence or treatment that performs face ( Such as beauty and ارتوگناتیک surgery surgical ـ … ) Or even after accidents and tramaha, the attention of the patient to his face the same lack of attention and the annoying bother. so before doing any therapy on the face, the doctor should be in addition to the note and consider the same lack of these components, it will also explain to the patient and treating it separately or simultaneously with the original treatment of the patient to explain the problem and then compelled to lick Satisfy the patient after surgery will be much harder to .
The treatment of :
Because the two sides face the same lack of due to the wide range of differences in various tissues ( Bones, muscles, fat, skin and tissue under … ) Is depending on the severity of the problem and it's treatment . In the case of ordinary patients, if this problem is with very low volume provider, injection ( Fat, filler and … ) It can be difficult to the lowest amount of tools .
If the amount of low-to medium-sized ناقرینگی, use of corrective surgery on the bones of the face and then use volume providers as needed can be helpful. . Sometimes the use of facial prosthetics can replace surgery, bone surgery, but the result is more permanent and better. If this problem is moderate to severe in addition to the corrective surgery, the use of the implant and the size of the donor may also not be desired, but the result is quite the appearance of a much better patient. patients Hemi فاشیال میکروزومیا, the patient from childhood to adulthood requires several steps of surgery to find the normal status .
At the end of the reminder note to physician colleagues and patients is very important and it is necessary that there is a slight ناقرینگی in the event of not only not bad but more natural and individual differences to show a person's face can help .