Possible side effects of surgery mandible or lower jaw

Possible side effects of surgery mandible or lower jaw

Osteotomy or Cutting Mandible, Surgery is through an incision in the mouth in order to access the lower jaw, the gums where the teeth are done in the surgery by cutting small for surgery by making an incision diagonal Yaaryb shape, a fracture controlled manner in the mandible make. Then, during surgery, maxillofacial new preset if you put that fits the model and condition of your teeth.

After that, a small plastic piece attached to the teeth and lower jaw can also be specified in the new form, stand and move. Then, using small metal plates and screws in place proved to be appointed. The pages are made of titanium and copper in the human body is very safe to use. At the end of gum surgery with absorbable sutures be returned to its original state.

What are the possible side effects after surgery?

Certainly any kind of surgery can have its own consequences, but fortunately this type of surgery there are certain problems. Recommended if you see the following symptoms, see your doctor and consult with him:


In general, mild bleeding from the surgical site on the first night is normal in the mouth. Find unusual bleeding but manageable. You can use a sterile gauze or tissue paper 10 Press the wound for a minute to stop the bleeding.


After the operation, lower lip you have numbness and tingling will be something similar injections of anesthesia in dentistry necessary to know the type of anesthesia can be up to several months, and even in rare cases, some people to the end of the stay.

The infection:

معمولا صفحات فلزی کوچک و پیچ های به کار رفته در جراحی که برای نگهداری فک شما در جایگاه و حالت جدید استفاده شده بودند برای همیشه در همان محل باقی خواهند ماند. این قطعات پزشکی به ندرت دچار عفونت می شوند و نیاز به خارج کردن پیدا می کنند اما در صورت ابتلا به عفونت آن هم بعد از گذشت چند ماه بعد از عمل، خارج کردن شان مشکل خاصی ایجاد نخواهد کرد. Good to know, in these parts of titanium metal used by metal detectors in airports are not detectable.

Adjust the teeth:

In the early weeks after surgery, often it is necessary to elastic bands. (Springy) On Orthodontic DentistryUse the teeth properly and in the right way are set and the match.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Adhesion nose

Adhesion nose

Adhesion nose

The effects of adhesion of the nose nose surgery.
Adhesions cause nasal congestion and nasal disorders and respiratory problems on both sides. The diagnosis is made by clinical observation. Due to the loss of mucus in the nose, which causes adhesion layer and the symptoms of shortness of breath cuts and surgical wounds carefully. If not repaired, the internal tissue of the nose and felt Siamese loses adhesion attractive nose.

If the surgeon manipulate the nose too much mucus in injury.
If the injured mucosa adjacent to each other to be restored when they are tight together and intranasal.
In this case, the need for surgery to be restored.
جهت جلوگیری از چسبندگی مخاط بینی و جلوگیری از تنگ شدن نفس در زمان تنفس لازم است تا جراح دقت لازم را در اجرای عمل بخرج دهد تا کمترین آسیب را به مخاط بینی وارد نماید.گوشت اضافه داخل بینی نیز سبب چسبندگی شده و ممکن است مشکلات مشابه create and for obstruction and Cape nose leads to snuffle.

Dr Behnam khorami

Jaw surgery specialist

Action اتوپلاستی (Ear surgery ) ? (Section III)

Action اتوپلاستی (Ear surgery ) ? (Section III)

Ear surgery techniques

اتوپلاستی or cosmetic surgery of the ear, in order to change the shape of one or both ears goes to work. People who are of the size, shape or place their ears are dissatisfied, they can with this outpatient surgery to improve their appearance,. اتوپلاستی as well as shrink the Tulip flower and ear کلمی ear surgery (Listen wrestlers) Also contains skin and cartilage to be removed to add. Because the beauty of the ear is one of the outstanding features of the face, a lot of people do this operation after having a more fit appearance, the more confidence they will find.

Recovery after surgery

Typically, the sutures after approximately a week are drawn or absorbed.
For a month or so should do any kind of work in which the ear may be bent, refused. Most adults can pass 5 Return to work the day after surgery. Children can pass 7 A day or more, if they do not participate in sports, return to school. You can ask your teacher that your child unattended for a few weeks..

Complications and risks

Like all types of surgery, this operation may also be looking for dangers. The special operation risks اتوپلاستی surgery Involves tearing the stitches, resulting in a return to the previous state, ear bleeding and create unnatural scarring.. If one of these things happens, you may need another surgery.. Eventually our efforts on it is probable these events to a minimum speed. Above all this is that Dr. sohrabi and his team, can use different protocols to prevent the occurrence of these side effects to use.

Genus dental implants?

Genus dental implants?

Dental implants are made of different metals and ceramics, but even most dental implants are made of titanium. Dental implants are made up of two جزءاصلی: Fixture and abutment.ایمپلمت fixture inside the bone and implant abutment portion is placed on it, and finally the Chinese with a veneer tooth form can be put on it.

Recently ایمپلنتهای all-ceramic (Zirconium oxide or zirconia) Also entering the market and have popularity. ایمپلنتهای zirconia restorations have been white, and all the benefits of titanium ایمپلنتهای have also.

The implant is made of zirconium oxide ceramic. Studies have shown that titanium and zirconia ایمپلنتهای both in terms of establishing contact with the bone and bone integrity are very similar

In fact, the amount of bone that is in contact with the implant determines the stability and longevity of the implants in the patient's mouth is. Zirconia in terms of bio-compatibility with the body and is also good in terms of resistance to life.

Chemical peeling?

Chemical peeling?

One of the ways that dermatologists treat beauty skin to work, chemical peel or peeling of the skin is improved in problems such as skin rejuvenation, acne scars and Lak are used.

Peeling skin can be divided into 3 different groups: Benchmark mechanical, chemical peeling layers and laser peels.

The most common mechanical exfoliation that form it میکرودرم ابریژن and splashing crystals of aluminium oxide on the skin and then created it again a negative suction and good effects that affect the quality of the skin and also with the effect that drugs are an important help skin penetration in the treatment of LAK is.

And on the other by irritated skin improves collagen and build long-lasting improvement in wrinkles is also effective, in the case of laser Peel, which is one of the most popular treatments is the dermatologists, laser in the treatment of some of its property to skin diseases such as Oscar Brown, Mac and Coke لکهای that more older people in the face and hands can be seen and also used skin rejuvenation.

Chemical peels or chemical peeling are divided into 3 categories.

1.- Superficial surface

2.- With an average depth of medium-depth

۳- Deep deep

On the surface, Peel the epidermis or superficial layer of skin damage and in more depth, the depth of the influence of the drug پیلینگهای and based on the severity of the influence of each of these applications different پیلینگها, superficial peeling usually in the treatment of acne and inflammation and redness caused by it, surface wrinkles, skin lesions in epidermis like کراتوز caused by the Sun and Sun-induced لکهای in the elderly, and other disorders of pregnancy lightening Melasma or pigment Goes to work.

Repeat this پیلینگها to get the best results, it is necessary. Including connections to work on this type of peeling goes include glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, 10% solution of 20-jsner, ترتینوئین and salicylic acid oalfa-hydroxy-acid.

Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) Naturally in most foods can be found in skin rejuvenation of the year went to work for 1990.

PHT, the concentration of acid, the size of this compound on the skin and deep peeling treatment based on alpha hydroxy acid is effective. There's a lot of low concentration AHA products increases collagen density and improve the quality of the elasticity of the skin becomes.

The most common form of آلفاهیدروکسی acid, glycolic acid, which is abundant in many of the constituents of a pharmacy is available.

But in the depth of the damage control پیلینگهای to the surface layer (The epidermis) And papillary dermis can be entered. 50-40% TCA, is one of the most common is a deep layer of برداریهای. the depth of exfoliation submerged in improving acne scars and skin rejuvenation can be done.

Of course, this type of peeling the chances of complications if the patient is not correctly. The occurrence of SCAR, a pigment changes such as darkening of the skin, especially on or in people with darker skin type, including symptoms in this type of layer is برداریها view.

After the end of the vector layer over a period of 2 weeks should skin care *. Of course, in the depth of the Peel extra care is necessary. After peeling the skin surface becomes a little red. The doctor usually for repair پمادهای you prescribed vaseline, or in case of a deeper exfoliation is the patient 5-3 days to complete reconstruction of the surface layer of the skin, the overlying material such as antibiotic or moisturizing cream uses up to six weeks of intense confrontation with the peeling should avoid sunlight and to be faced in the summer more and more intense sunlight there, do deep پیلینگهای in this chapter recommends Not to be.

Cosmetic surgery with laser

Cosmetic surgery with laser

A lot of skin lesions with adad Laser surgeryAre treatable. Your health care provider about whether you are certain surgery candidate decides on a simple review of the following description, some skin conditions that can be treated with ئهای, لیزربهبودی.:

* Color Burgundy spots

Capillary malformation Burgundy flame spots, congenital(Are present at birth)Are you. The color of this lunar eclipse is usually pink, red or purple. About 3 /. Per cent of babies are born with the consequent flame Burgundy spots. as a kid growing up, this sign may be a darker Burgundy flame spots. can appear on any part of the body can be variable degree to them. the type of laser that is usually used for these conditions, color laser medicine or rate(IPL) Colored pulsating laser. some kind of laser is a long electric lamps that have a high energy light radiation produces a short,. When light from the inside of a vessel is denied, can be colored and create heat and caused the destruction of this unwanted vessels. these paints can vary depending on the type of skin pigmented spots that are changed are. in adults may be the cure for snack and just be done with local anesthesia. children or people with large Burgundy stains flame may be treated under general anesthesia. several treatments may be necessary.

Hemangioma, *

Hemangiomas are tufts of extra blood vessels that commonly occur in menopause 10 % Hemangioma, Hemangioma Caucasian breeds may have the appearance of the red spots to a more deep purple regions are variable, usually in the first month of the Hemangioma. birth in the first year, appear to be great and might speed up when the children five years old to be starting to go away. fifty percent of Hemangioma with natural process until the age of five are smaller, superficial or deep Hemangioma.. همانژیومهای may be used for surgery Large or growing or Hemangioma that due to the location, create a problem, be advised. A variety of لیزرهایی to these terms of use to be a pulsating color laser (PDL) And (Nd-YAG) Or (IPL) . Multiple treatments may be necessary.

* Lightening milk coffee

These are colored Brown Tan wasted that may appear anywhere on the body. the size of the waste متغیرند. some of the waste may be very large in terms of removal may be bashando the beauty of various lasers may be requested. to remove this stain recurrence is common..

To تلانژکتازی

Telangiectasias are small blood vessels that are below skin level. vessels may be red, blue or purple appearance. the most common place view this waste of skin, neck and upper chest. relevant vessels may be seen in the legs that are called spider veins. removal of waste usually causes beauty. the causes for several telangiectasias include heredity, sun damage, spicy foods, emotional factors, hormones, some medications, there are وآکنه adults. the treatment of this waste may include Lasers or اسکلروتراپی. اسکلروتراپی is a way in which a small needle to inject the medicine inside the artery is used that causes unwanted اینعروق shrinkage. the new vessels might be during the life of the individual, depending on the underlying cause of the lesions is created.

* China وچروکها

The use of lasers to help fix is one of the great advances of plastic درجراحی beauty. "that can be used to describe this operation" laser Peel, ". this process of elimination is more secure than other methods of wrinkle removal in the event expert by the surgeon,. less chance for an Oscar, inflation and creating کراست with laser Peel there. before the actual surgery, your doctor may skin remedies for your use to help the preparation of posttan These medications may be prescribed. "for four to six weeks prior to laser peels. After laser Peel, the doctor you take proper care of the skin to prevent the creation of کراست oaphont. لیزرهاممکن for various types of laser peels are used.

* Warts

Warts are skin growths or non-malignant type of mucosa. warts virus to human پاپیلومای are created and usually hardly destroyed. wart treatments include several different fixes for اکسیزیون surgery, smoking the drug on the wart, or freeze the warts have been used. the result of the effects of the procedures Therapy, the use of laser is guaranteed laser-type pulsating color laser is usually used. several treatments may be necessary between the wart going taasis.


The Oscars may be different causes include infections, surgery, injuries or inflammation of tissue. a scar the body's natural way to behbudo the replacement of lost or damaged skin. اسکارها may appear anywhere on the body. combining a variable may be scar scar may be flat, stained, ragged, ingrown, painful and ⁄ or itchy.. اسکارها is possible with a variety of laser depending on the underlying cause of the scar are treated. Lasers it is possible to smooth out the scar, scar or abnormal color fixes to flatten a be اسکاراستفاده. More laser therapy for اسکارها in combination with other treatments such as injections, use استرویید certain balm use can be done bandagha. Multiple treatments may be necessary.



Loosening the muscles to bedtime makes Lower jaw Along with the language and the muscle

Floor of the mouth to the back and pulled down and thus cause tightness or displacement

The way of breathing bgardd. While snoring but unpleasant process as harassment

Deemed to be, he's a SS SS a. can be compensated position such as an eye catcher and the consequences of the problems

The heart or blood circulation, as well as severe fatigue during the day to have a look

.. Because in this case the breathing during sleep to frequent stops. Usually

The exact treatment prescribed in the sleep lab is doing. In his case the patient's device SMS SMS ASP

Get to sleep the way the breathing opening keeps. But because the use of these

The device is not possible for all patients, through special formats when

The dream of the sagging lower jaw will prevent other methods as prescribed. Such

Templates are very msemr about the خرخرکردن Samar.
Another problem that arises from the mandibular setback, having put together

Ann dndanhast that can be cured through surgery.

Which beauty surgery can be done simultaneously?

Which beauty surgery can be done simultaneously?

Surgical patients, especially patients Aesthetic surgery Usually calls it are that if you require multiple surgeries even strive to turn this to be done in a surgical . In terms of whether the patient is under anesthesia, or less frequently used بیحسی this request seems entirely reasonable opinion, but may not always do this is not practical or acceptable surgical practice following some con or interference, mostly the result of a surgery on the other impact that simultaneous action action, the impact of this problem or impossible and therefore may be sick as a result of this action are not satisfied and do not have to do تصحیحی surgery to procure the desired result in this case, it is better that this be done in a separate (s) apply in addition to being the result of the action is predictable from the unwanted effects or action that causes discontent also gets تصحیحی again be caught .
Here are a few common cosmetic surgery that can be done simultaneously I description :
1 . Top jaw and Chin surgery : The two disconnected position in surgery are two Chu can be done simultaneously, and thus the action is predictable and acceptable .

2 . Surgery of the nose and the Chin : These two acts as well because the two are different position can be done simultaneously .

3. Local liposuction and fat injection : In principle this Act because of fat obtained from the standpoint of obesity after processing of the need for an injection of fat used is . They are necessary and should be done at the same time, but sometimes due to the patient's condition or the type of operation, fat injection may be performed. 24 The clock is delayed, in which case it is not possible to perform these operations simultaneously .

4 . Pull the skin surgery ( Face Lift ) Along with other facial surgery : Facebook is usually surgical lift with other soft tissue surgery for such as eyelid surgery or brow or forehead or drag a fat injection surgery around the lips or other facial folds can be done simultaneously, and usually the result is better .

It is said that in the end, it is necessary to determine which type of surgery are میتواندهمزمان to be done depends on the type of action depends on the skill of the surgeon and has direct . Therefore, the decision on whether the action of the various publications can be done simultaneously or not upon the surgeon and it is necessary to decide in this field is the responsibility of the surgeon to be laid .

Not identical with what people face?

Not identical with what people face?

Many of my patients about Not the same ( Or lack of context ) Two halves for a lot of questions have been asked and therefore in this case I need a few things to say. after coming to the world of the child developmental pattern of the body begins . In normal mode the growth of different parts of the body on the basis of the pattern of inheritance is that at the end of individual attributes determine anyone's . This pattern of growth include the left and right parts of the body can also be . Because many of the members of the bodies here are located on both sides of the body ( Hands, feet, fingers, eyes, and cheeks … ) So to somehow separate growth pattern, and so left and right of the body may not have the same growth and individual differences and together the two side of the same body he is totally too low to be seen ( less than 1 % The population of the world body and the context are completely ) . These differences are important in some cases and we have to pay attention to the subconscious ( Like when you buy shoes or gloves, or lose the right foot for the exam we used )

In normal mode due to the low difference in the half of the body is usually not detectable to anyone and there are no allergic reactions to it, but not so about the faces or wearing clothes and face because people with known and judged and also the most important role of the individual and social communication are always a special role, and the smallest defects with its problems easily handled and A person's puts negative impact relations. not the same problems on both sides for a wide range of severe congenital mode that ASP "Hemi فاشیال میکروزومیا is said to be the beginning of a very mild case and that person never realize it is not the end of the .

Because of the wide range of problems, as long as the person realizes it or not does not make sense to require the treatment need to work sometimes, but because certain. changes in person ( Such as being obese and lean ) Comes into existence or treatment that performs face ( Such as beauty and ارتوگناتیک surgery surgical ـ … ) Or even after accidents and tramaha, the attention of the patient to his face the same lack of attention and the annoying bother. so before doing any therapy on the face, the doctor should be in addition to the note and consider the same lack of these components, it will also explain to the patient and treating it separately or simultaneously with the original treatment of the patient to explain the problem and then compelled to lick Satisfy the patient after surgery will be much harder to .

The treatment of :
Because the two sides face the same lack of due to the wide range of differences in various tissues ( Bones, muscles, fat, skin and tissue under … ) Is depending on the severity of the problem and it's treatment . In the case of ordinary patients, if this problem is with very low volume provider, injection ( Fat, filler and … ) It can be difficult to the lowest amount of tools .

If the amount of low-to medium-sized ناقرینگی, use of corrective surgery on the bones of the face and then use volume providers as needed can be helpful. . Sometimes the use of facial prosthetics can replace surgery, bone surgery, but the result is more permanent and better. If this problem is moderate to severe in addition to the corrective surgery, the use of the implant and the size of the donor may also not be desired, but the result is quite the appearance of a much better patient. patients Hemi فاشیال میکروزومیا, the patient from childhood to adulthood requires several steps of surgery to find the normal status .
At the end of the reminder note to physician colleagues and patients is very important and it is necessary that there is a slight ناقرینگی in the event of not only not bad but more natural and individual differences to show a person's face can help .

What are the appropriate people to use ازایمپلنت?

What are the appropriate people to use ازایمپلنت?

ایمپلنتهای dental implants in most adults who have modest health applicable. Usually it is not used for teens to reach full growth until the. Note that some medical problems not control may reduce the chances of dental health ایمپلنتهای. So before the start of treatment should be your medical history with your surgeon thoroughly..

The result of the treatment, the physical condition of the direct relationship with any applicant and may be a different result for a two-person applicant will have to. Only a dentist can make the best specialist treatment program gives you. Please ask your dentist and the effects of the proposed program benefits that thoroughly explain to you so that you can decide which medical implants, the perfect solution for replacing your missing teeth or not.

A short history about dental ایمپلنتهای
With the discovery of the skull by archaeologists in the history of the tooth implants clearly lost a replacement is achieved. In the jamjah above the jaw bone, in the place of missing teeth, materials like metal casts (In order to base) And oyster shell (For the purpose of shielding) Is used.

Today's titanium metal dental implants have been around for decades 70 AD have been widely used. It weighs the benefits of titanium that is very light and then placed in the bone nicely establishes the link with the so-called public bodies and it is not after the Zand. Most of the metal is taking a full metal orthopedic joint use and it can be very artificial.

The majority of dental implants are made of titanium screws for profile that is almost pain free work can be laid inside the jaw bone and the base of the tooth Crown can be part of the. After letting the explosive implants and Crowns can hardly be detected from the natural tooth.