Chemical peeling?

Chemical peeling?

One of the ways that dermatologists treat beauty skin to work, chemical peel or peeling of the skin is improved in problems such as skin rejuvenation, acne scars and Lak are used.

Peeling skin can be divided into 3 different groups: Benchmark mechanical, chemical peeling layers and laser peels.

The most common mechanical exfoliation that form it میکرودرم ابریژن and splashing crystals of aluminium oxide on the skin and then created it again a negative suction and good effects that affect the quality of the skin and also with the effect that drugs are an important help skin penetration in the treatment of LAK is.

And on the other by irritated skin improves collagen and build long-lasting improvement in wrinkles is also effective, in the case of laser Peel, which is one of the most popular treatments is the dermatologists, laser in the treatment of some of its property to skin diseases such as Oscar Brown, Mac and Coke لکهای that more older people in the face and hands can be seen and also used skin rejuvenation.

Chemical peels or chemical peeling are divided into 3 categories.

1.- Superficial surface

2.- With an average depth of medium-depth

۳- Deep deep

On the surface, Peel the epidermis or superficial layer of skin damage and in more depth, the depth of the influence of the drug پیلینگهای and based on the severity of the influence of each of these applications different پیلینگها, superficial peeling usually in the treatment of acne and inflammation and redness caused by it, surface wrinkles, skin lesions in epidermis like کراتوز caused by the Sun and Sun-induced لکهای in the elderly, and other disorders of pregnancy lightening Melasma or pigment Goes to work.

Repeat this پیلینگها to get the best results, it is necessary. Including connections to work on this type of peeling goes include glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, 10% solution of 20-jsner, ترتینوئین and salicylic acid oalfa-hydroxy-acid.

Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) Naturally in most foods can be found in skin rejuvenation of the year went to work for 1990.

PHT, the concentration of acid, the size of this compound on the skin and deep peeling treatment based on alpha hydroxy acid is effective. There's a lot of low concentration AHA products increases collagen density and improve the quality of the elasticity of the skin becomes.

The most common form of آلفاهیدروکسی acid, glycolic acid, which is abundant in many of the constituents of a pharmacy is available.

But in the depth of the damage control پیلینگهای to the surface layer (The epidermis) And papillary dermis can be entered. 50-40% TCA, is one of the most common is a deep layer of برداریهای. the depth of exfoliation submerged in improving acne scars and skin rejuvenation can be done.

Of course, this type of peeling the chances of complications if the patient is not correctly. The occurrence of SCAR, a pigment changes such as darkening of the skin, especially on or in people with darker skin type, including symptoms in this type of layer is برداریها view.

After the end of the vector layer over a period of 2 weeks should skin care *. Of course, in the depth of the Peel extra care is necessary. After peeling the skin surface becomes a little red. The doctor usually for repair پمادهای you prescribed vaseline, or in case of a deeper exfoliation is the patient 5-3 days to complete reconstruction of the surface layer of the skin, the overlying material such as antibiotic or moisturizing cream uses up to six weeks of intense confrontation with the peeling should avoid sunlight and to be faced in the summer more and more intense sunlight there, do deep پیلینگهای in this chapter recommends Not to be.