The possibility of nose surgery for heart patients

Nose surgery for heart patients

Nose surgery for heart patients | Currently, thanks to the progress of science and technology, nose surgery is possible for everyone, if this work is done carefully and calculated.. Some people may deal with this irrationally or emotionally and believe that rhinoplasty is not possible for heart patients.. It is true that this category of people has serious limitations, but fortunately, nose surgery is also available for people with heart disease, and this surgery should be performed in special circumstances..

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Is Rhinoplasty Possible for Heart Patients?

Rhinoplasty is a small risk for heart patients, but it should be considered. If you are worried about your nose surgery and are afraid of the risks after the surgery; It is enough to consult your desired rhinoplasty surgeon about your concerns and wishes . Fortunately, rhinoplasty has far fewer risks than other surgeries and its complications are very rare. . It is often done completely without any side effects.

There is no need to worry if you are careful in choosing your surgeon and get enough information about rhinoplasty . Because choosing the right nose surgeon makes you sure that they will consider the most preventive measures for you. . Your surgeon will definitely ask you questions about your history of heart disease. If necessary, ask your cardiologist to perform the necessary tests to reduce the risk of surgery..

What is the relationship between nose surgery and heart disease?

Nose surgery for heart patients | The respiratory system and the heart are anatomically close to each other. There is always a close interaction between these two devices. The nose is the main channel in the upper respiratory system. It accounts for half of the respiratory system's resistance to airflow. Deviation of the nasal septum is the main cause of breathing problems in adults, resulting in nasal obstruction. This blockage reduces blood flow in the body and chronically irritates the mucous membrane.

These conditions increase airway resistance, decrease oxygen saturation, and increase arterial carbon dioxide levels. Therefore, nasal septum obstruction will play an important role in increasing blood pressure. Correcting the nasal septum reduces the possibility of heart complications and high blood pressure. As you know, high blood pressure is also a very important factor in cardiovascular diseases. As a result, the probability of heart and lung diseases is higher in patients with deviated nasal septum. Therefore, it is better to encourage patients with these problems to undergo rhinoplasty

Factors affecting nose surgery or rhinoplasty in cardiac patients

It is necessary to pay attention to special cases such as the type of anesthesia and the duration of anesthesia, special care in the operating room and the presence of an anesthesiologist in such cases. . In any case, common heart diseases such as mitral valve prolapse or laxity of the heart orifice do not prevent rhinoplasty, and many people perform rhinoplasty despite such heart problems, of course, special attention to the choice of the surgeon and the facilities of the relevant clinic are important. has a special.

Interatrial heart valve open disease (ASD) Also, it does not prevent nose job, please note that before performing rhinoplasty, it is mandatory to mention all the diseases that you are suffering from or that you have suffered from in the past, and it is necessary for the cosmetic surgeon to be fully aware of the person's disease history. And in the form of the need of our tests, to perform the need to improve the quality of the operation .

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Why do heart patients need a cardiologist for nose surgery?

Nose surgery for heart patients | In general, rhinoplasty is not needed for patients with mild heart problems. But nose surgery for heart patients with more severe and specific symptoms needs more research and tests.

In this regard, the cardiologist will send the desired result to your surgeon after complete examinations and tests. But if it is believed that this surgery has irreparable risks for you, it will not be performed for you..

If you are taking medications such as blood thinners, your otolaryngologist will ask you to stop taking them for a while.. Medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen thin the blood. These drugs increase bleeding and slow down the healing process.

Does nose surgery endanger heart patients?

Rhinoplasty for heart patients in itself does not pose additional risks to heart patients. However, since most rhinoplasty involves general anesthesia, be sure to talk to your nose surgeon if you have heart disease.. Because rhinoplasty under anesthesia can put pressure on your heart and harm you.

As mentioned, if you have an irregular heartbeat, you can use an alternative to anesthesia in rhinoplasty. In this way, the amount of bleeding during nose surgery is reduced. If the surgeon is aware of the disease, he is able to control any kind of problem.

What is the effect of nose surgery on heart diseases?

Breathing problems during sleep sometimes cause shortness of breath during sleep and wake you up. This is because not enough oxygen is getting to your brain and lungs through your airways and nose. The same problem of lack of oxygen alone can cause heart and lung problems and increases such as heart diseases, arrhythmias and heart attacks.

Rhinoplasty will be effective for heart patients. One of the most important causes of nose surgery is the obstruction of the respiratory tract due to the deviation of the nasal septum. Nasal congestion disrupts the flow of air entering the lungs. This reduces the oxygen supply to the lungs and increases the rate of breathing and heart rate. All these factors affect the autonomic response of the heart. This problem can be solved with nose surgery.

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