Tips for Rhinoplasty surgery after care

The surgery to fix a nose correction رینوپلاستی external building defects or congenital and acquired functional beauty is nose. But after رینوپلاستی surgery should observe a series of tips to make full recovery.

مراقبت های بعد از عمل جراحی زیبایی بینی

Tips advice after surgery رینوپلاستی

The first day of complete rest and of Diet Use cold liquids.
Cold compress 48 first hour (Before bringing in the tampon,) Every two hours 20 Minutes on the bruises and hot compress 48 second hour (After bringing in TomP.OBO) To slow down if you use the same otorm be bruising.
The medicines prescribed by a physician and is taking a sort of Drug consumptionTo avoid additional.
The rest sat half of the mode and the two numbers used and the head needs under balsht hold down the head has long avoided.
Up to a week of relative rest, the physical activities, exercise, heavy lifting and more خوداری to rest.
Eating foods that are hard to chew much needs soft foods and refuse to use mix.
Please refrain from the fin off and if you have discharge or with the pouch to Paper napkins Soft nose dry.
Teeth with A toothbrush Of the child and with quietness A toothbrush See more.
At least 2 Do not wear glasses . If you are connection method goggles glasses with glue to use brow. Use the medical lenses after reducing inflation, reserved..
Before the removal of the plaster if you need to shower, bath or pour water on the container to use the body. From Showering Avoid isolated and bath time is short and of high heat and steam to avoid getting wet nose swelling because more will be pansmanha.
At least two weeks of laughing, crying and refusing to face additional movements and the use of the mouth when sneezing.
Speaking of long phone conversations and social activities much Max for two weeks to avoid.
The manipulation of the upper lip and nose to nose, do not have refused to move.
At least a week of wearing clothes that do not have a button and it is hard to refrain from head to.
At least two months of sunshine, strong lights, the heat and the heat is avoided, because the swelling of tissue gets.
For a period of two months from the Swimming And saunas do not go.
ازکشیدن cigarettes for two months and avoid the vicinity with smokers..
After dragging TomP.Oh, for a long time 6 Nasal month with sodium chloride serum daily 3 Wash the load as you will be instructed.
Avoid touching your nose for up to 6 months . Restorative ازپمادهای use only the orders of the doctor..
If you update any problems contact your bajerah.

To be able to get the desired result should follow a full physician orders. It takes a minimum of time to get the final result of the nose 6 month and max 1 is the year.

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