Results of surgery – Advantages and disadvantages of jaw surgery

Know the pros and cons of maxillofacial surgery :

Advantages and disadvantages of jaw surgery | Maxillofacial surgery can improve the function of these structures. For example, treating speech problems, eating and chewing problems, adjusting jaws, and repairing cracks and fractures in the jaw..

Maxillofacial surgery can improve the appearance of the jaw, face and lips. By improving the appearance and function of the mouth, jaw and face, many patients experience more self-confidence.
Maxillofacial surgery can be used to treat diseases related to the mouth, jaw, and face, such as oral infections, maxillofacial tumors, and structural abnormalities.. Like any other surgery, jaw and face surgery is associated with possible risks and complications. Some of the possible complications include bleeding, infection, pain, swelling, and damage to nerves and surrounding tissues.

Maxillofacial surgery requires time to recover and return to normal. In some cases, this time may be long and may require changes in diet and daily activities.
Maxillofacial surgery is usually expensive and may be out of reach for some people. In some cases, the results of maxillofacial surgery may be unpredictable and side effects may occur.

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Be with us with reading and informative content Dr Behnam khorami Isfahan nose surgeonJaw surgeon of Isfahan :

The jaw and face surgery

Maxillofacial surgery is one of the medical specialties that examines, diagnoses and treats disorders and defects of the jaw and face.. This type of surgery includes many changes in the body structure, including changing the shape of the jaw and face, replacing lost teeth, solving breathing problems, etc.. In this type of surgery, doctors use advanced technologies and professional devices to solve the physical disorders of the affected person..

In this method, doctors solve the physical problems of the affected person by using medical equipment such as 3D imaging and other medical equipment.. Maxillofacial surgery is divided into two main categories: Surgery to change the shape of the jaw and face and surgery to solve breathing problems. In jaw and face surgery, doctors use advanced technologies to change the shape of the jaw and face.. This type of surgery includes operations such as changing the size or shape of the jaw, changing the shape of the nose, and replacing lost teeth.

Results and benefits of jaw surgery

Advantages and disadvantages of jaw surgery | Jaw surgery has many benefits and results, which we will mention below :

  1. If you have difficulty swallowing, it will be corrected.
  2. Due to the fact that the load is evenly distributed on the teeth, their wear and breakage is reduced.
  3. Asymmetry or imbalance between each of the facial components is corrected. For example, the smallness of the chin, the backwardness of the chin or its protrusion, etc., are eliminated.
  4. Lips are easily closed without putting any pressure on them.
  5. Headache, jaw pain and neck pain due to pressure on the muscles and jaw joint are relieved.
  6. Cheek and tongue biting is reduced.
  7. All congenital defects or facial injuries can be corrected in jaw surgery.
  8. Sleep apnea problem (Sleep Apnea) will be resolved.
  9. Improve the function of teeth
  10. Increase the overall level of body health
  11. Improving the patient's sleep
  12. Further improvement of speech problems and disorders

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Disadvantages of maxillofacial surgery

The pain: One of the disadvantages of maxillofacial surgery is postoperative pain. Some patients may not be able to perform this surgery due to sensitivity to pain. Also, if the post-operative instructions are not followed, the pain may become very severe.

Risk of infection: Maxillofacial surgery may be associated with the risk of infection. This is the risk that after the surgery, the soft tissues of the body are exposed to infection. To avoid this problem, follow the post-operative instructions.

Risk of bleeding: Maxillofacial surgery may be associated with the risk of bleeding. This problem may occur due to broken vessels or failure to follow post-operative instructions. To avoid this problem, the post-operative instructions should be carefully followed.

Inflation: Maxillofacial surgery may be associated with swelling. This problem occurs due to the deformation of soft tissues or blood secretion, to reduce the swelling, you must carefully follow the instructions after the operation..

Risk of nerve irritation: This problem occurs due to the proximity of nerves to soft tissues or changes in the shape of the jaw. To avoid this problem, surgery should be performed by an experienced doctor using advanced equipment.

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