Can a crooked nose affect the way a person breathes?

Can a crooked nose affect the way a person breathes?

Can a crooked nose affect the way a person breathes?

A crooked nose does not affect the way a person breathes.

Unlike Deviated septum which can negatively affect your breathing, a hump does not affect the way a person breathes. Although the hump of the nose can sometimes disturb the appearance of the nose, bone and cartilage irregularities do not affect the way a person breathes..

Nasal septum may be deviated due to trauma or accident. But removing the hump of the nose caused by this means cannot necessarily solve the breathing problem. Hump ​​nose surgery is a personal decision and is not considered a medical necessity. These humps are removed only if you feel dissatisfied with your appearance and expect a change in your face..

How to do hump nose surgery

Due to its high sensitivity, this surgery should be performed by the best nose surgeon. To perform this surgery, the surgeon first takes a radiological picture of the patient and performs the surgery according to the type of hump. To access the bones of the nasal hump and remove the hump, the surgeon will make an incision under the nasal lobes and then shave some of the bone to improve the shape of the hump.. Finally, the incisions will be sutured. People's noses will be closed by a skin-colored splint to protect it.

This surgery should be done slowly to avoid bleeding and bruising.

Types of hump nose surgery


One of the most common nose surgeries is open nose surgery, which is used to remove the hump of the nose. This surgery requires general anesthesia, during which the nose surgeon makes a small incision in order to create a better view of the nose.. After this surgery, your nose will be covered with plaster. It takes 3 weeks to fully recover.

In closed nose surgery, instead of making an incision on the nose, the nose surgeon performs surgery through the nostrils. This procedure also requires general anesthesia. In this operation, the nose surgeon works on the bone and cartilage through the nostrils and corrects the shape of the nose. This type of surgery usually requires less recovery time. It takes one to two weeks to fully recover.

Can a crooked nose affect the way a person breathes? | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

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The recovery period of hump nose surgery

In the first days after surgery, people may have symptoms such as vague headaches, bruises around the eyes, swelling after nose surgery, breathing problems, and the possibility of nosebleeds.. which can help improve these symptoms by following the care instructions prescribed by the doctor. And for the recovery of these symptoms, about two to three weeks are needed, and complete recovery will take about several months.

Care tips after hump nose surgery

Most people with Bony noses have a hump nose and people with Fleshy noses They have less of this problem. And it should be noted that the recovery period of this surgery is shorter than other surgeries. Factors are also effective in the recovery speed of this surgery, which are::

  1. Avoid smoking for two weeks after surgery
  2. Increasing consumption of foods containing fiber such as fruits and vegetables
  3. Avoiding taking medicines such as aspirin if prescribed by a doctor
  4. Post-operative walking to reduce swelling and prevent blood clots
  5. Taking medications prescribed by a doctor
  6. Follow a balanced diet
  • Eliminate hump nose without surgery

The effects of eliminating hump nose without surgery last between 6 months and two years. This procedure can be performed using local anesthesia and takes about half an hour. The nose surgeon uses fillers to fill the sunken areas. In this way, it creates a smooth and symmetrical surface on your nose. This method is much cheaper than rhinoplasty, has fewer side effects, and has a shorter recovery time.

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