Treatment of wisdom tooth infection

Treatment of wisdom tooth infection

Treatment of wisdom tooth infection

The best treatment for wisdom tooth infection


It partly depends on the severity and cause of the infection. However, treatment usually includes the following:

  1. Complete cleaning of the infected wisdom tooth and surrounding gums and teeth
  2. Use of antiseptic mouthwash
  3. A course of antibiotic therapy for treatment The infection

The above methods help to control the infection. But still the best decision to face possible risks and damage to the surrounding tissues wisdom tooth extraction Is.

If your impacted wisdom tooth is likely to be difficult to treat or if you have medical conditions that may increase the risks of surgery, your dentist will likely ask you to see an oral surgeon to discuss the best course of action..


Management of asymptomatic wisdom teeth

If the impacted wisdom tooth does not cause any visible dental symptoms or problems, it is called asymptomatic. There is disagreement in the dental community about how to manage asymptomatic impacted wisdom teeth. Research on this topic does not strongly favor one strategy over another.

Some dentists and oral surgeons recommend asymptomatic wisdom tooth extractions to prevent potential future problems. They argue:

  • An asymptomatic wisdom tooth may not be free of disease.
  • If there is not enough space for the teeth to grow, it is often difficult to access the teeth and clean them properly..
  • Serious complications of wisdom teeth occur less often in young people.
  • This procedure is more difficult and is more likely to cause complications later in life, especially among the elderly.
Other dentists and oral surgeons recommend a more conservative approach. They note:
  1. There is insufficient evidence to suggest that impacted wisdom teeth that do not cause problems at a young age will cause problems later..
  2. The cost and risks of this method do not justify the expected benefit.
  3. With a conservative approach, your dentist will monitor your teeth for decay, gum disease, or other complications.. If there is a problem, he may recommend tooth extraction.
  4. Preparing for a consultation with a dentist

If you experience symptoms or other dental problems that may indicate a wisdom tooth, see your dentist as soon as possible..

Your dentist may ask you these questions:

  • What symptoms are you experiencing?
  • When did your symptoms start?
  • Does anything make the symptoms worse, such as chewing toward the back of the mouth?
  • Have you noticed bleeding while brushing or flossing?
  • What are your usual habits for cleaning your teeth?

Treatment of wisdom tooth infection | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

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The doctor may prescribe the following antibiotics to treat the infection:

  1. Penicillin
  2. Amoxicillin
  3. Metronidazole
  4. Clindamycin
  5. Erythromycin


Your dentist may also recommend pain medication before and after a wisdom tooth infection, pain relievers include::

  • Ibuprofen
  • lorenoxicam
  • Acetaminophen
  • aspirin

wisdom tooth extraction

If your wisdom tooth is damaged, the dentist may remove it completely or partially. You may need dental surgery for an infected wisdom tooth. Your dentist may remove gum tissue from above the impacted wisdom tooth and help it grow. With another dental procedure, only the upper part of the wisdom tooth is removed. This surgery is called chronectomy. This helps to protect the tooth root, nerves and jawbone around the tooth.

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