Smell and taste problems after nose surgery

Smell and taste problems after nose surgery

Smell and taste problems after nose surgery

How does our body perceive smell?

First of all, regarding the problems of smell and taste after nose surgery, it is better to know that taste and smell are considered as chemical senses.. We are surrounded by odor stimuli, coffee, fresh flowers, etc., that release odor molecules.. Your nose has fine nerve fibers that are organized into a sensory nerve called the olfactory nerve. This nerve, which contains specialized receptor neurons, is anatomically designed for smell detection.

When odor molecules reach receptor neurons, they stimulate our sense of smell. After rhinoplasty or septoplasty, the nasal passages become inflamed and as a result the airflow into the nose decreases.. Since the nasal passages are temporarily blocked after rhinoplasty, odor molecules cannot reach the receptors at the end of the olfactory nerve.. When these olfactory receptors do not register odors, the sense of taste is also reduced. (Like when you have congestion or a cold.)

What are the other symptoms during rhinoplasty recovery?

The best way for patients to have a more comfortable recovery after rhinoplasty is to do as much post-rhinoplasty care as possible, and also to act in front of an expert and experienced person.. Patients who get enough rest, eat a healthy diet, and don't smoke before rhinoplasty will help their bodies heal faster.. Another way to have a faster and easier recovery is to follow the instructions recommended by your doctor after surgery..

Some other common symptoms that patients during recovery رینوپلاستی They experience, in addition to the temporary loss of olfactory senses, they include::

  1. Swelling and congestion in the nose
  2. nausea
  3. Mild to moderate pain
  4. Numbness in and around the nose
  5. Bruises

Smell and taste problems after nose surgery and reducing risks

Since loss of sense of smell and taste is associated with inflammation and swelling of the nose, you should take the necessary steps to ensure your full recovery as best as possible.. Rest, drink plenty of fluids, avoid smoking for several weeks after surgery, and avoid activities that could damage your nose. (Like certain sports that carry the risk of injury) avoid.
Smell and taste problems after nose surgery | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

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How long does it take for smell and taste problems to return after rhinoplasty?

With the gradual reduction of swelling and inflammation after surgery, the sensory perception of the nose will improve and you will feel smells and tastes again.. In most patients approx 4 until the 6 It takes weeks for the sense of smell to return completely. In very rare cases, some people have experienced a permanent loss of smell after rhinoplasty. This is an unusual and rare result.

came Olfactory Will I change with rhinoplasty?

It is not uncommon for patients to worry about their sense of smell and taste after rhinoplasty. Nasal swelling temporarily blocks the airways in the nasal structure and limits the ability to smell. As a result, the patient's ability to taste will also be affected. As the inflammation gradually subsides after surgery, sensory perception such as taste and smell improves.. Usually approx 4 until the 6 It takes weeks to fully recover, and in some cases, patients report improvement.
It is exceptionally rare for patients to experience long-term loss of smell or damage to their olfactory nerve.


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