Complication of ear pain after surgery and extraction of wisdom teeth

Ear pain after wisdom tooth extraction

Earache after wisdom tooth surgery | You may experience ear pain after wisdom tooth surgery. The ear nerves are connected to the jaw, pharynx and larynx. If the wisdom tooth is positioned in such a way that it damages the jaw, it will affect the nerve of the jaw after its extraction.. And because the nerve of the jaw and the ear are related, you get earache.

In the rest of this section, we will talk about the pain and infection of the wisdom tooth and other things related to it . Be with the moon :

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Tongue numbness after wisdom tooth surgery

During wisdom tooth surgery, the tongue may also be numb afterwards. The nerves of the tongue have a direct connection with the nerves of the wisdom teeth. Therefore, during surgery, the nerves may be disturbed and your tongue may remain numb for some time.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Wisdom tooth threat to other teeth

Latent wisdom tooth infection

When the wisdom tooth becomes infected, it is necessary to perform the wisdom tooth surgery. But before the surgery, the dentist will try to eliminate the infection by prescribing medicine. If you do not follow oral hygiene after the surgery, your tooth will get infected. Its symptoms are bad breath, bad taste of food, swelling of cheeks, etc.

Why do we need to operate on a wisdom tooth?

Implanted wisdom tooth surgery is also called Implanted wisdom tooth surgery, it is very important and should be done under the supervision of a specialist.. And it is better to consult a doctor first for wisdom tooth surgery during pregnancy jaw surgeon Consult yourself.

A damaged or partially damaged wisdom tooth can cause problems for the jaw, other teeth, and ultimately for a person's health.. A wisdom tooth lying in the upper jaw or rather in the upper jaw or a partially damaged wisdom tooth in the lower jaw can cause food retention in the mouth, gingivitis and damage to the adjacent teeth.. Therefore, as a result of the surgery of the horizontal wisdom tooth of the mandible, it is of great importance and should be taken seriously.

One of the permanent complications of a wisdom tooth hidden in the jaw is that in the long run it causes serious problems in humans and causes cysts in the jaw, tumor and eventually destruction of the jaw bone.. Oral surgeons strongly recommend wisdom tooth surgery before the age of 25 to 30 years, because neglecting this treatment can have serious consequences for human health..

Does the hidden wisdom tooth hurt?

Perhaps the worst complication of this problem is the pain. There is very little space for teeth to grow at the bottom of your jaw and this high pressure will cause excruciating pain. This pain is unbearable for many people and they should see a doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes the tooth grows inside your gum, which will severely irritate the gum nerves. This multiplies the pain caused by it and finally exceeds the person's endurance. Considering the problems that wisdom teeth cause, it is better not to waste time to pull them.

Maxillary impacted wisdom tooth surgery

Wisdom tooth extraction will be a bit more complicated than your other teeth. Due to the special position of this tooth, it is difficult to extract it. Therefore, the dentist must do this professionally with his high skills. Wisdom teeth can be seen in both the upper and lower jaws.

However, the upper wisdom tooth is more sensitive and should be extracted more carefully. At present, Isfahan jaw surgeon also provides services related to wisdom teeth and will solve the problems of this department in the shortest possible time.. Certainly, applying scientific principles and rules can help a lot to solve this problem.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Wisdom tooth threat to other teeth .

Implanted wisdom tooth surgery with anesthesia

This method has been done for many years and a large part of the society benefits from it. In this method, the person first loses consciousness with the help of an anesthetic and then the surgery begins. The process of wisdom tooth extraction is done by a dentist with the help of a surgical blade.

After the operation is completed, the person regains consciousness. In the first days after the operation, different cares should be taken seriously and strictly followed. In the first 24 hours after surgery, liquid and very light foods must be eaten.

What is a latent wisdom tooth cyst?

Inside the human jaw, there is a sac in which the wisdom tooth grows, if this cyst is full of fluid, dangerous and annoying cysts are hidden in the wisdom tooth, which causes nerve damage.. It should be noted that wisdom tooth cysts develop around the tooth. After the wisdom tooth surgery is completed, it takes about 1 week to treat the surgical area and 4 weeks to treat the gums.. If the jaw and wisdom teeth are damaged during the treatment process, the length of treatment can be extended up to 6 months..

Generally, for this process, the surgeon gives the patient some tips to minimize the risks; But some complications may occur in these few weeks, which are sometimes unavoidable. These complications include::

  1. Swelling and inflammation of the gums, especially the surgical area
  2. Cramping and pain in the jaw and teeth area
  3. Bad taste in the mouth
  4. Numbness of the face, lips and tongue
  5. Headache


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