Suitable and unsuitable people for nose reconstruction surgery

Suitable and unsuitable people for nose reconstruction surgery

Suitable people for nose reconstruction surgery

برای انتخاب کاندید مناسب عمل ثانویه بینی نیاز به بررسی چند پارامتر است. The following are effective in evaluating a person for rhinoplasty surgery:

  1. The reason for a person's decision to undergo nose surgery
  2. A detailed examination of the available signs and evidence (The use of diagnostic graphs are very suitable options to help the nose surgeon make the right decision.)
  3. Examining the person's request and expectations from nose reconstruction surgery
  4. Considering the patient's age and health conditions


Unsuitable people for reconstructive nose surgery

There is a group of people who decide to have a revision or repair operation despite the ideal result of the primary nose surgery..

این که تاکید بر گزینه های روانی از جمله “علت تصمیم به عمل” را داریم این است که این بعضی افراد ثبات رفتاری ندارند. تنها به دلیل تنوع و رسیدن به درخواست های نامعقول خود تصمیم به این عمل جراحی می گیرند. In this case, it is necessary for these people to talk to a psychologist about their needs and receive the necessary advice and guidance..

Perhaps this is the reason why some nose surgeons do not accept the reconstructive operation of the nose of other colleagues because, in addition to the complexity of the operation, it has more margins..

Suitable and unsuitable people for nose reconstruction surgery | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

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Repair of upturned nose (pig shaped)

A pig-shaped nose is one of the worst complications that may occur after Fantry rhinoplasty. When the nose surgeon does not have enough skills, he cuts and removes the cartilage or hump on the nose more than normal in the process of nose surgery.. One of the side effects of the surgeon's carelessness and lack of skill is that the result of the surgery turns into a pig's nose.

در واقع اگر پوست و غضروف در ناحیه Nasal bridge به طور استاندارد برش نخورد و از تنه اصلی جدا شود نوک بینی بالاتر از پل بینی قرار می گیرد. و سوراخ های بینی نمای زیادی خواهند داشت. این نوع بینی ابداً مورد علاقه افراد نیست و می توان این اتفاق را ناگوار ترین عارضه بعد از عمل بینی اولیه دانست.

یکی از موارد کاربرد عمل ثانویه بینی آن است که با انجام این جراحی، بینی هایی که بعد از عمل رینوپلاستی اولیه خوکی شکل شده اند را می توان ترمیم کرد. In pig nose surgery, the surgeon can shape the tip of the nose proportionally with incisions made in certain areas so that the nasal tubes are in a better shape.. As a result, the shape of the pig's nose improves.

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