Diagnosis of nasal polyps

Methods and its importance in disease management


Nasal polyps are non -cancerous and soft masses that grow inside the nose or sinuses. These masses are usually caused by chronic inflammation caused by allergies, recurrent infections, or diseases such as asthma.. Early and accurate diagnosis of nasal polyps plays an important role in controlling symptoms, preventing complications and determining appropriate treatment.. In this article from the site of Dr. Behnam Khorrami (Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan), Different methods of diagnosis of nasal polyps will be addressed.

The importance of accurate diagnosis of nasal polyps

Diagnosis right Nasal polyps Can help the following:

The determination of the main cause of the creation of polyps: Chronic inflammation, allergies, infection or other underlying problems can contribute to the creation of polyps.

Prevention of more serious complications: Untreated polyps can lead to problems such as chronic sinusitis, breathing impairment, and even sleep apnea.

Selection of the appropriate treatment: Depending on the severity and size of the polyps, your doctor may recommend medication, surgery or a combination of both.

Methods of diagnosis of nasal polyps

1.. Physical examination by the physician

Oteticist (ENT) Usually the first step in diagnosing nasal polyps with a physical examination. This examination includes the following:

Intra -nose checking using medical lights to identify any obstruction or swelling.

Question of the patient about symptoms such as nasal cramps, decreased smell, and nasal secretions.

Patient Medical History Investigating the presence of allergies, asthma, or frequent sinus infections.

2.. Nasal Endoscopy

One of the most accurate ways to diagnose nasal polyps is nasal endoscopy. This procedure contains the following:

Doctor from a narrow, flexible tube equipped with a small camera (Endoscope), Uses to accurately observe the nose and sinuses.

This method helps to identify polyps even in deeper parts of the nasal and sinuses..

Nasal endoscopy is usually performed in the doctor's office and does not require anesthesia.

۳. Medical imaging (CT scan or MRI)

In cases where the physician needs more accurate evaluation, CT scans may (CT Scan) Or MRI (MRI) to be used.

CT scan: The best method of imaging is to examine the sinuses and the internal structure of the nose. This method can indicate the exact size and location of the polyps. Also, CT scans will help the doctor identify underlying problems such as chronic sinusitis or other obstacles..

MRI: In some specific cases, such as a more careful examination of soft tissues or rejecting other tumors, your doctor may recommend MRIs..

4.. Allergic tests and examination of underlying conditions

If your doctor is suspicious of nasal polyps and allergies, you may prescribe allergies.. These tests include the following:

Allergy skin test: Investigating the body's reaction to allergens such as pollen, dust or fungi.

Blood tests (Total IgE & Specific IgE): Measuring the level of immunoglobulin E that can help identify specific allergies.

Also, if the patient has asthma, your doctor may perform lung function tests to evaluate the possible relationship between respiratory diseases and nasal polyps..

Defamation of nasal polyps

Sometimes, symptoms of nasal polyps are similar to other nasal diseases and sinuses. Therefore, the doctor should consider other conditions that may cause similar symptoms, including:

Chronic sinusitis: Chronic inflammation of sinuses that can have symptoms similar to nasal polyps.

Deviated septum: Nasal septum that can cause nasal blockage.

Nose tumors or sinuses: In rare cases, abnormal growth of masses in the nose may be confused with polyps.

allergic rhinitis: Allergy -induced inflammation that can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Symptoms of nasal polyps


Careful diagnosis of nasal polyps through various methods such as physical examination, nasal endoscopy, imaging (CT Sank and MRI) And allergic tests are performed. Diagnosis of this complication plays an important role in choosing the right treatment and preventing potential complications.. If a person has symptoms such as chronic nasal cramps, reduced sense of smell or continuous nasal discharge, a specialist in the ear, throat and nose specialist is essential..

Useful links:

Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

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