How to sleep after nose job
The most important factor to get the best results from rhinoplasty is learning how to sleep properly after rhinoplasty.. Resting and relaxing after surgery helps the patient to recover faster; Because during sleep and especially deep sleep, the hormones secreted in the body cause the treatment process to take place with more speed and quality. Isfahan nose surgeon The following tips on how to sleep after nose job are better for getting rid of insomnia after nose job and rest..
face up (Supine) go to sleep!
The most important measure that is recommended to reduce the risks after nose surgery is to sleep on the back or open arch in the days after the operation.. In this position, it is necessary that your head is at an angle of 45 degrees and higher than your body. Placing several soft pillows on top of each other helps a lot in this position. Also, keeping the head in a higher position than the body will minimize the effect of gravity and reduce the swelling in the nose to a great extent.. It is also necessary to put extra pillows on your sides to prevent rolling to the sides. Placing a pillow under the knee also reduces back pain.
Use an ice pack before going to bed!
use of Ice compress In the days after the operation, it makes the healing process happen faster. Ice compresses are great for both reducing pain and reducing bruising and swelling. Most likely, before the operation, you will be advised to use an ice pack periodically for 72 hours after the operation.. Be sure to include compresses in your schedule, especially before going to bed.
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Even if possible, sleep alone or at a distance from others!
In the weeks following the operation, it is very important to avoid trauma to your nose. This is why it is important to sleep alone as much as possible. If someone is going to take care of you, this person should sleep at a distance from you so that sudden movements at night do not cause a sudden blow to the nose..
Do not consume caffeine!
We said that insomnia after rhinoplasty It is a natural thing. Now, if caffeine is used before going to sleep, this insomnia will be more severe.. Try to stop consuming caffeine in the days after the operation or avoid consuming caffeine a few hours before going to bed..
Do not sleep on your stomach!
Sleeping on the stomach in the days after the operation is very dangerous. It is much more likely to put pressure on the nose and damage the cartilage that is being regenerated when you sleep on your stomach..
Therefore, do not sleep on your stomach until partial recovery after nose surgery.
Useful links: Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan
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Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af
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