Implantation of mini dental implants

Who is suitable for implanting a mini dental implant?

Implantation of mini dental implants | Mini-implants are small dental implants that do not need to be placed completely inside the jawbone. A mini-implant is a small metal piece with a diameter of about 3 mm and is placed inside the jaw bone. A mini-implant is similar to a standard dental implant, but looks smaller. This technique is made of two parts, which are a titanium post that has a round part, and a socket that looks like a ring and that is placed inside the jawbone.. This type of implant is very thin and has a small size.

The implant nose can be used for many different types of teeth and is usually an excellent alternative to dentures, bridges and veneers, and even in cases where the denture is loose, it can be used to fix the tooth.. The dentist prefers to use a titanium implant.

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Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | . Implantation of mini dental implants

The difference between mini implants and common implants

Probably, this question has been raised for you to use mini implants or common implants? When you visit an experienced dentist, after evaluating your mouth and teeth, he will suggest the best type of implant.. In the following section, we mention some of the differences between these two implants:

Mini-implant is smaller than conventional implants and consists of a post and veneer, while conventional implants are made of abutment connections, screws, and synthetic veneers..
The process of installing a mini implant takes a few hours, while the installation of common implants will take about 6 months to 2 years because the dentist has to lift the sinus or bone graft..
After implanting the mini implant, the dentist immediately installs the artificial teeth and you will see the beauty of your smile after the work is done.. The mild pain caused by the treatment will disappear within two days. On the other hand, the recovery period after the implantation of common implants is longer and varies from a few weeks to a few months.. Usually, the pain from the treatment will go away within two weeks, but you can help speed up the healing process by following the tips recommended by your doctor..
Common implant implantation is a proven and permanent method to replace missing teeth, on the other hand, not much research has been done on mini-implants and their longevity..

Who can apply for mini implants?

Have you ever been to a dentist who told you that you are not a good candidate for dental implants? If you have received such an answer, don't worry anymore because you can be a good candidate for mini-implant implantation. In the following section, we mention the things that show whether you are a good candidate for mini-implant implantation or not.

  1. You want to fill the space of your missing teeth.
  2. Your teeth are small.
  3. Your jawbone is gone.
  4. Want to improve your smile immediately?.
  5. You want to fill the empty spaces of the front row teeth.

If you have the following conditions, unfortunately, you cannot apply for mini implants:

  • you have diabetes.
  • He smokes.
  • Are you planning to fill the gap in your molars?.
  • You have oral diseases such as gingivitis.
  • Your jawbone is too small.

Usually, mini implants are not used much for the teeth of the upper row, however, the dentist will provide you with the necessary information in this field because in some cases mini implants are more useful and you can benefit from its benefits..

Advantages of mini implants

  • No need for bone grafting

If the jawbone is not strong enough, you will need a bone graft to implant common dental implants, while mini-implant implantation does not require bone grafting.. This will save money and time.

  • No need to perform difficult flap surgery

By implanting a mini implant, you can also benefit from the benefits of common implants, with the difference that mini implants are small and you do not need a flap surgery..

Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan |  . Implantation of mini dental implants

  • Minimally invasive treatment

The mini-implant implantation process is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require surgery and is performed within a few hours.. Due to the minimal invasiveness of the mini-implant, the healing process will take a few days.

  • less pain

Since mini-implant implantation is a minimally invasive procedure, you will face less pain and discomfort, and you will not need to use painkillers due to less damage to bone and gum tissue..

  • ease of use

With mini implants, you will no longer have to worry about your artificial teeth moving while eating or talking. Implantation of mini-plants will increase your self-confidence because you do not face problems such as the empty space of a missing tooth..

  • Ease of planting

Implantation of mini implants is very simple and is usually completed within one session. After the treatment, you can eat normally again in a short time.

  • Prevent facial deformity

If the volume of your jaw bone has decreased, the face will tilt downward. Since mini-implants are inserted into the jawbone, they act like tooth roots and prevent facial deformity..

  • Reduce complications

If you are a suitable candidate for mini-implant implantation, you should know that complications from the treatment are very rare and the treatment process rarely fails because the dentist carefully assesses the patient and ensures that he is suitable for the treatment..

  • to be economical

Implantation of mini implants is more economical compared to common implants.

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