The importance of how to sleep after rhinoplasty

Examining the importance of how to sleep after nose surgery

In the continuation of today's article, the site of Dr. Behnam Khorrami (Best of nose surgeryJaw surgeon of Isfahan) We examine the importance of how to sleep after rhinoplasty. During the sleep process, more and better blood flow reaches the tissues and muscles of the body. In this way, the increase of sufficient oxygen and nutrients help to recover faster and the recovery period is shorter. That's why the nose surgeon recommends spending a lot of time sleeping and resting to reduce pain and swelling.

But in order to avoid possible injuries while sleeping, such as rolling over or hitting your face on the pillow, you should pay attention to important points about the way to sleep after nose surgery.. During the recovery period after nose surgery, the body works harder to repair wounds and form nasal cartilage..

Therefore, there is a possibility of weakening the immune system. Sleeping properly after rhinoplasty will help your immune system to recover faster, reduce pain and swelling..

How to sleep properly after nose surgery

Adequate rest and quality sleep lead to the release of hormones needed by the body to accelerate your recovery process after Nose surgery To be. But it is very important that you know how to sleep after nose surgery.

Head in the mode 45 put degree

بهترین حالت خوابیدن بعد از عمل بینی به صورت طاق باز است که در این حالت سر با زاویه 45 The degree is slightly higher than the body. This method of sleeping after nose surgery protects you from possible risks and injuries. To make the head more comfortable in the angle 45 Put some pillows on top of each other under your head.

The importance of how to sleep after rhinoplasty | Isfahan nose surgeon - Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Dr Behnam khorami

Keep the head higher than the body

As we said before, the best case Sleeping after nose job Keeping the head higher than the body. This situation is made possible by placing several pillows on top of each other and placing them under the head. The reason for its importance is the effect of gravity, which is thus minimized and prevents swelling of your newly operated nose.. If you get back pain in this position, put a small pillow under your knee.

Take the rolling roads

When the sleep becomes heavy, due to the use of sedatives, it is possible that you cannot control your head movements.. That's why it is recommended to put a few pillows around your face to prevent it from rolling and damaging your nose..

If you are used to sleeping on your side, be sure to avoid this sleeping position for the first few days after surgery. Because the purpose of sleeping with an open arch is to minimize the possible injuries of the nose after the operation, and sleeping on the side increases its probability..

Sleep alone or away from others

The most important recommendation of the surgeon after nose surgery is to avoid injury. The probability of this happening while sleeping is very high. You should try to stay away from any trauma for several weeks after rhinoplasty.

Therefore, it is recommended that you sleep alone as much as possible or that your distance from the person who came to take care of you is very long.. In this case, sudden movements during sleep can be controlled to prevent injury.

Do not sleep on your stomach at all

They will definitely tell you in the consultation sessions before rhinoplasty that sleeping on your stomach will put a lot of pressure on your nose.. In this case, the new cartilages that are being regenerated will be damaged. Therefore, it is recommended not to sleep on your stomach for a month after nose surgery.

Avoid shaking your head and nose

It is very important not to shake or tilt your head too much or even too slowly. In this case, your nose will not be affected and the possibility of pain, swelling or bruising will be significantly reduced. Because shaking the nose, especially while sleeping, can damage the nose surgery and slow down the healing process due to inflammation after the operation..

Useful links:

Isfahan nose surgeon _ Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Dr. Behnam Khorrami's page in the clinic 24 | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24 | Nose surgeon in Isfahan clinic 24

Dr. Behnam Khorrami, nose surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Maxillofacial surgeon in Isfahan at Dr. Af | Isfahan nose surgeon at Dr. Af

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