Bulbous nose surgery

Frequently asked questions about bulbous nose surgery

In this section, we are going to address questions about bulbous nose surgery, join us :

The tips of bulbous noses are round and round. From the profile, they have a prominent and onion-like appearance. Does your wide nose bother you? The nose can appear wide for a number of reasons. For many people, not having the height of the bridge of the nose makes the nose look wider. It is often genetic, meaning that it has been the natural shape of a person's nose since birth. In other cases, an accidental injury or previous nose job may have caused the nose to appear wider. Whether you are considering rhinoplasty for the first time or are looking for reconstructive surgery, rhinoplasty is the best way to slim down a wide nose..

Does surgery cure a long nose?

If your nose is too long, it is probably a family trait. This problem can be treated with open nose surgery. The excessively long cartilage of the tip of the nose is shortened and raised with stitches to give a better appearance.

Can nose surgery reduce the width of the nose?

If someone is unhappy with the size of their nose, they can make it smaller with nose surgery. This method can change the shape and size from the tip of the bump to the nostrils.

How can I clean my face after wide and long nose surgery?

When washing your face, it is important to use a mild soap around the nose to avoid irritating the surgical area, so avoid cleansers that contain exfoliants.. You can also moisturize your skin but it is better to keep your nose dry as this will help the healing process..

How often can I wash my nose after wide and long nose surgery?

You can wash your face but be careful to only clean the area around the nose strip or splint. You can shower two days after surgery. If showering, use a dry cloth and plastic wrap to cover the tape or splint over the nose. Please shower only with lukewarm water for the first two weeks after surgery.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Bulbous nose surgery

How to sleep after wide and long nose surgery?

To reduce swelling and relieve congestion that may occur after nose surgery, you should put your head up while sleeping.. Sleeping on the back is suitable for most patients because they can breathe better.

How long can I sleep lying down after rhinoplasty?

You may feel anxious while sleeping after surgery, but it is better after nose surgery for a long time 7 until the 10 Sleep on your back and keep your head up.

Is the result of wide and long nose surgery permanent?

Although some cosmetic procedures need to be repaired after a certain period of time, this is not true for nose surgery. The result of a good rhinoplasty lasts a lifetime, so choosing the right surgeon is very important.

How long does wide and long nose surgery take?

Nose surgery in general 1.5 until the 3 It takes hours and is usually an outpatient procedure. In closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made in the nostrils and have limited ability to make changes. In open rhinoplasty surgery, an incision is made in the tissue between the nostrils and also inside the nostrils.

What is the best age for wide and long nose surgery?

The best age for rhinoplasty is between the ages 18 until the 40 Considered to be. At this time, you are physically ready for surgery because the nose is fully grown and your skin has not lost its elasticity yet..

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