Recovery period after jaw surgery

Gradual exercises after jaw surgery

Recovery period after jaw surgery | In the first ten days, no exercise by the doctor jaw surgeon It is not given to you because the wounds have not yet healed. Movements such as chewing food are suitable exercises for this period. after passing 10 On the day of surgery, try to open and close your mouth as much as possible. To move the jaw more, move them forward and backward and side to side

In the next step, put one of your fingers between your teeth and if you feel discomfort, use a warm compress during jaw exercises to reduce muscle pressure on the jaw. . In the fourth week, you can use your finger to put pressure on the front teeth. Gently stretch your jaw muscles to help increase jaw opening.

with reading material Dr Behnam khorami Jaw surgeon of Isfahan be with :

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How long is the recovery period for jaw surgery?

Many patients ask us when they come for an examination, how long is the recovery period for jaw surgery? The recovery period of jaw surgery depends on the type of operation, the patient's condition and attention to care after jaw surgery, and the recovery time of each patient is different from another patient.. But usually the novel of recovery after jaw surgery 3 until the 8 It takes weeks.

What is Antramil supplement powder and how does it help the patient after jaw surgery?

One of the many good supplements that some doctors recommend to patients after jaw surgery is Intramil supplement powder.. This supplement is very useful when you cannot eat properly and can only consume liquids. Dissolve Intramil powder in water and consume safely. This type of supplement comes in two types that can return the lost energy to you. Intramil supplement types are::

  1. Blue supplement
  2. Brown supplement: This supplement is very rich and full of protein.

What points should I follow after jaw surgery?

One of the questions that most people ask after jaw surgery Dr Behnam khorami ، Jaw surgeon of Isfahan They ask, what points should I follow after jaw surgery? In the following, we are going to check all these points as follows:

  1. You should avoid smoking during recovery.
  2. You should not eat any solid food for a few days and only eat liquids and then eat only foods for 4 to 6 weeks and after this period return to the normal routine of your normal diet..
  3. You must observe oral hygiene according to the doctor's instructions.
  4. You should avoid intense activities for a while.
  5. Do not brush your teeth for a day.
  6. Disinfect your mouth using a salt and water solution.
  7. Use an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling.
  8. Have a healthy and appropriate diet.
  9. Keep your head up and never sleep on your face.
  10. Take medications as prescribed to control pain.
  11. If you pay attention to the care after jaw surgery, you can usually return to work or school within one to three weeks..

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What are the conditions for maintaining oral hygiene and brushing teeth after jaw surgery?

This surgery is very sensitive and requires special care. It is recommended to always keep the wound clean; Because the scar is inside the mouth. Try to rinse your mouth with water after every meal and brush your teeth as soon as your surgeon tells you to.. During the early stages of surgery, when you have to eat small meals, the frequency of your food consumption increases, so you should rinse your mouth and teeth with water after every meal..

Be careful in the first weeks of surgery! To brush the teeth, the bristles of the toothbrush must be placed on the bracket or near the bracket. During this time, it may be difficult to open your mouth and every time you open your mouth to brush your teeth, it may be difficult to clean the side that has been operated and has a wound; But this should not prevent you from forgetting to clean your teeth.

If you pay attention to the recommended points, after a week to ten days after jaw surgery, you can open your mouth without any problems.. During this time, try to use a toothbrush with a small head to facilitate oral hygiene.

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