Dental bone graft surgery

Dental bone graft agent

Front tooth bone grafting is a way to provide favorable conditions for Dental implant placement Is. Implant is one of the best ways to compensate for a lost tooth. But to use the benefits of implants in the long term, you must have good bone density at the beginning. Bone grafting is needed for people who do not have enough bone density.

Some events or even diseases cause the loss of these teeth. If a lot of time has passed since the tooth is empty or if the person suffers from certain diseases, the bone will degenerate over time.. With the degeneration of these bones, other conditions implant placement It is not easily provided.

Front tooth bone graft is a very good and effective option in this situation. You undoubtedly know that the presence of bone density is one of the important and necessary conditions for implantation. Keep in mind that the quality and quantity of bone is one of the options that determine how the bones heal and heal.. For people who lose their teeth, it is recommended to apply for dental implants in the first weeks..

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The cause of dental bone grafting

As we mentioned, bone density for implant placement It is a necessary and obligatory matter. In the absence of this case, tooth bone grafting will undoubtedly be an excellent option. Without a bond, implant placement It will not be successful. Strong jawbone and healthy gums are required to keep the implant base stable.

There are various kinds of transplant materials available for transplantation, and the specialist chooses the right option depending on the patient's condition and of course the amount of money he wants to spend.. Front tooth bone graft can be from the patient's own bone. Each person has several parts in their body that can be used for bone grafting. In most cases, this bone can be found inside the mouth, chin or third molar or in the upper jaw behind the last tooth..

For people who cannot remove bone from these parts or need more bone; You can use the femur or the outer part of the tibia of the knee. By using the patient's own bone, in addition to preventing the spread of the disease, the bone regeneration time is much shorter.

Another human bone

For patients who do not have the conditions to remove bone from their own body, another person's bone can be used for them. In addition to increasing costs, infectious disease tests should also be performed. In this case, the healing time and recovery process will be longer than the above method.

animal bone

They don't use much animal bone for front tooth bone grafting. However, it is one of the available options to compensate for the lack of bone density. In most cases, animal bone is used when it is needed for end teeth.

Synthetic minerals

Another method of compensating bone deficiency is the use of synthetic minerals for dental bone grafting. Dental implants The best way to replace a missing tooth is to do it in the best way. For people who do not have the necessary conditions to use the above methods, bone grafting with the help of synthetic minerals can be used.

An important point to pay attention to is the amount of bone grafting. If the damaged tooth is still in place, powder without minerals and disinfectant is poured into the tooth cavity after tooth extraction.. Keep in mind that stitches will be required for this procedure.

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