Asymmetric facial treatment

Asymmetric facial treatment

What is the solution for asymmetric jaws?

One of the problems that can affect a person's life in different ways is problems related to the face and jaw, including asymmetrical jaw.. Because it has a significant effect on a person's self-confidence due to being visible and having a great impact on appearance. One of the most common jaw and face problems is jaw asymmetry, which every year we see different clients with such problems..

But how is the asymmetric facial problem created? How is it diagnosed? Can asymmetric jaw be treated?

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Isfahan nose surgeon | Tilting of the lower jaw

Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person

Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person. Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person :

  1. Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person
  2. Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person
  3. Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person
  4. Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person
  5. Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person
  6. Asymmetrical jaws only cause problems for the person

Reasons for facial asymmetry

What is the solution for asymmetric jaws? There are several reasons that cause your face and jaw to be asymmetrical, and we have mentioned the most important ones in the following section.:

physical blows

Sometimes it is possible that you suffered accidental blows to your face or jaw during your childhood or adolescence, which were not so important to you at that time, but the same blows may be the causes of asymmetric facial problems and the asymmetry of your face.. Also, problems arising in deep surgeries can also be the source of these problems.

Dental treatment

What is the solution for asymmetric jaws? Sometimes it is possible that you have visited the dentist to solve your dental problem and for example you have used dental prostheses or placed dental crowns that may change the facial contouring.. Also, extracting a tooth that is hard to come out of its place may change the appearance of the muscles on one side of the face.

age increasing

Based on the studies conducted by experts in this field, it is most likely that there is a clear connection between aging and facial asymmetry and the asymmetric jaw problem, and this disorder is also a natural part of aging.. The reason is clear, the bones of the jaw and face stop growing during puberty, but as you age, your cartilages continue to grow, which causes the ear and nose of a person to grow.. This excessive growth leads to a change in the appearance of the face.

Genetic problems

There are times when the main causes of your jaw and face problems are from the foundation and are basically related to your genetics.. In this, you should consult with professionals so that if they deem it appropriate, you should think about surgery. Of course, before making a hasty decision, you should make sure this is correct by doing various tests.

For example, sometimes people who have asymmetric facial features and facial asymmetry may find that other members of their family also have such features.. Of course, most of the time, genetic asymmetric features are not a cause for concern, and only some genetic conditions, such as cleft lip and palate, may cause facial asymmetry..

جراح فک اصفهان | Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

Diagnosis and treatment of asymmetric jaw

What is the solution for asymmetric jaws? You need to see an orthodontic specialist to diagnose the asymmetric jaw problem. In order for the orthodontist to reach a clear and accurate result of the patient's examination, it is necessary to examine both the outside of the mouth and the inside of the mouth.. The front view of the face is important in the evaluation of the extraoral environment.

In the case of intra-oral examinations, the midline of the teeth and the face must be proportional to each other, otherwise the asymmetry of the lower jaw will be recognizable.. After diagnosing the problem of asymmetric jaw, it is time to treat it with the help of a specialist.

Asymmetric jaw surgery

There are treatments for asymmetric jaw that can be repaired with surgery. Including :

  • Jaw osteotomy

In this surgery, which is performed for the upper jaw, open bite or cross bite are treated. The upper jaw and teeth move forward, thereby straightening the lower jaw and teeth.

  • Mandibular osteotomy

This surgery treats problems such as overbite and protrusion of the lower jaw. The surgeon makes an incision in the back of the mouth so that the lower jaw can move forward and backward.

  • جنیوپلاستی

This surgery is done to fix a small or crooked chin. The chin and jaw are reconstructed with an incision in the chin bone in front of the jaw.

  • Jaw wiring

Jaw wiring is done to change the position of the jaw to its correct position. Or to support the jaw in case of fracture.

Necessity of orthognathic-mandibular growth correction surgery

Necessity of orthognathic-mandibular growth correction surgery

لزوم جراحی های اصلاح رشد فکی – ارتوگناتیک

جراحی های اصلاح رشد فکی – ارتوگناتیک؛ که توسط جراحان فک و صورت انجام می‌گردد، جهت اصلاح دامنه وسیعی از مشکلات اسکلتی و دندانی کوچک و بزرگ انجام می گیرد. این مشکلات شامل عدم هماهنگی فکین و دندانهاست که اصلاح آنها باعث بهبودی جویدن، تکلم و تنفس می شود.

این در حالی است که ظاهر و زیبایی صورت بیماران هم به صورت معجزه آسایی با انجام این اعمال جراحی بهبود می یابد. بنابراین در مجموع انجام جراحی های ارتوگناتیک فک هم جهت مقاصد فانکشال (Improve performance) و هم جهت مقاصد زیبائی انجام می شود.

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جراحی های اصلاح رشد فکی – ارتوگناتیک

در زیر به چند مورد از مواردی که در آن نیاز به انجام جراحی های اصلاح رشد فکی – ارتوگناتیک می باشد؛ اشاره می گردد:

  1. مشکل در جویدن غذا بعلت اکلوژن غلط دندانها
  2. اشکال در بلع غذا
  3. وجود دردها و صداهای مزمن در مفصل فک
  4. سایش شدید دندانها
  5. وجود فاصله بین دندانهای قدامی فک بالا و فک پایین هنگام بسته شدن دهان (openbite)
  6. وجود ناهماهنگی بین فک بالا و پایین (از روبرو یا از نیمرخ)
  7. نقایص صورت ناشی از صدمات یا مشکلات مادرزادی
  8. چانه هایی که نسبت به کل صورت و فک عقب هستند
  9. فک بالا و پایین که جلو هستند
  10. تنفس دهانی مزمن و خشکی های مکرر دهان
  11. مشکلات و وقفه تنفسی هنگام خواب

افرادی نیازمند جراحی های اصلاح رشد فکی – ارتوگناتیک هستند که به علت عدم هماهنگی بین دندانها و فک بالا و پایین، قادر به جویدن مناسب غذا نیستند و این امر در آینده آنها را مستعد مشکلات گوارشی می کند. در این افراد نسبت رشد فک بالا و پایین با هم هماهنگ نیست .علت این امر در اکثر موارد بعلت الگوهای وراثتی است گرچه صدمات ناشی از ضربات و تصادفات هم می تواند عامل مشکلاتی فک باشد.

البته لازم به ذکر است که اگر مشکلات اکلوژن (جفت شدن) دندانها فقط مربوط به دندانها باشد و فک بالا و پایین با هم هماهنگ باشد. در این موارد انجام ارتودونسی و ردیف کردن دندانها توسط ارتودونتیست کافی است، ولی اگر غیر از دندانها فک ها هم مشکل داشته باشند نیاز به جراحی فک می باشد.

در واقع در این مواقع ابتدا همکار متخصص ارتودنسی دندانها را درموقعیت نرمال خود نسبت به استخوان فک قرار میدهند که حتی در حین کار بیمار مشکل خود اعم از جلو بودن فک یا عقب بودن انرا بیشتر و بدتر از قبل می‌بیند.

بدنبال ارتودنسی و متناسب کردن رابطه دندان با فک در این مرحله جراحی فک انجام و علاوه بر برطرف شدن مشکلات اسکلتی فکین دندانها نیز در رابطه جدید فکی به صورت کامل روی هم قرار گرفته و اصطلاحا اکلوژن مناسب برقرار و بیمار علاوه بر زیبایی نتایج فانکشنال مربوط به جویدن را نیز بدست می آورد.

از این لحاظ است که انجام ارتودنسی قبل از جراحی و ادامه ان در دوره کوتاهی بعد از جراحی جهت کسب نتایج مناسب الزامی است.در این میان هماهنگی کامل بین جراح و ارتودنتیست از ابتدای درمان بسیار اهمیت دارد. مطالعه ادامه مقاله جراحی های اصلاح رشد فکی – ارتوگناتیک را به شما توصیه می کنیم.

.جراح فک اصفهان | Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

انواع مشکلات اسکلتال فکی

1- skletall class (Front lower jaw)

این ناهنجاری به دنبال رشد بیشتر فک پایین نسبت به فک بالا ایجاد میشود که معمولا فک بالا نیز با کاهش رشد رو به سمت جلو همراه است که در این موارد با توجه به معاینه کلینیکی بیمار و ارزیابی و انالیز رادیوگرافیکی بیمار تصمیم به جراحی هر دوفک گرفته میشود. اما در صورتیکه عامل ایجاد این ناهنجاری فقط در یک فک بوده وناهنجاری دیگری در هیچ بعد دیگری وجود نداشته باشد و اختلاف رشدی دو فک نیز زیاد نباشد امکان درمان و جراحی فقط با یک فک هم امکانپذیر است.

2- skletall class (Back of the lower jaw)

این ناهنجاری به دنبال رشد کاهش یافته در فک پایین میباشدومیتواند همراه با افزایش رشد در فک بالا باشد یا نباشد از علل این ناهنجاری میتوان به مسایل ژنتیکی و وراثت و تروما و…. اشاره کرد درمان جراحی جلو اوردن فک پایین با یا بدون جراحی فک بالا بر حسب مورد انجام میشود.

3- vertical maxillary excess (رشد بیش از حد عمودی فک بالا)

در این ناهنجاری معمولا بیشتر دیده شدن لثه های فک بالا در حین خنده از شکایت های اصلی بیماران میباشد که در درمان این مشکل نیز معمولا جراحی هر دو فک نیاز میباشد و تنها در شرایط خاصی امکان برطرف کردن شرایط تنها با جراحی یک فک امکان دارد. در این جراحی کاهش ارتفاع عمودی فک مدنظر است که البته مقدار این کاهش بر اساس انالیز سفالومتری بیمار وکلینیک بیمار بدست می اید.

برخی بیماران در قبل یا بعد از بلوغ دچار انحراف فک میشوند که میتوان به علل متابولیکی-هورمونال و نیز ضربه یا تروما در سنین پایینتر و پاتولوژی اشاره کرد. In these cases, the growth in the condylar plane of both sides is usually not the same and this problem causes the jaw to deviate to the opposite side, which has less growth..

The important thing before deciding on the surgical plan is to accurately evaluate the cause of the deviation, which can directly change the patient's treatment plan. If the growth of one side is still asymmetrical compared to the opposite side, after the surgery, there is a possibility of relapse and the patient's jaw will return to normal conditions. Before orthognathic growth correction surgeries, it is possible. ارزیابی دقیق با انجام سینتی گرافی امکان پذیر است.

جراح فک اصفهان | Jaw surgeon of Isfahan

4- open bite

یکی از مهمترین عوامل ایجاد این ناهنجاری مکیدن انگشت میباشد که اگر بعد از ۷سالگی نیز ادامه پیدا کند. In addition to dental problems, it also causes skeletal problems, which requires surgical treatment, which is usually double jaw surgery, for the treatment after orthodontics..

Of course, finger sucking has many non-surgical treatments to stop this habit, but if it is not treated, it leads to irreversible changes on the facial skeleton, which can only be removed at this stage with orthognathic jaw growth correction surgeries.. Mouth breathing can be mentioned among other causes of this abnormality.

The relationship between rhinoplasty and weight loss

The relationship between rhinoplasty and weight loss

The relationship between rhinoplasty and weight loss

Rhinoplasty and weight loss | Research and studies show that people lose weight even by breathing and the nose plays an important role in breathing. But in many cases of rhinoplasty, people suffer from breathing problems, and this amount includes 25% of all rhinoplasty surgeries in the United States.. In some cases, people's nasal septum is damaged and deviated due to accidents and leads to breathing problems. As a result, reconstructive rhinoplasty or nose deviation surgery is necessary to solve breathing problems. With the operation of nose deviation, the shape of its blade is corrected and breathing problems are solved.

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You may be wondering what the nose has to do with weight loss. According to research, even breathing leads to weight loss. These results were obtained from the research conducted by Australian researchers who were looking for an answer to the question, where does the weight go after losing weight? The answer they found is that it comes out of the nose.

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Challenges of rhinoplasty

A study on weight loss and nose surgery

Two researchers from the University of NSW at Christmas 2015 They announced that the air coming out of the nose contains body fat. It may be hard to believe that the nose and breathing play an important role in weight loss, but this is one of the side uses of the nose.. By conducting experiments on the air that is breathed through the nose, the researchers found out that this air contains water and carbon that is taken from the body's fat cells.. For example, if 10 lose kilos 8.5 Its kilogram leaves the body in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide through exhalation. Since the nose provides filtered air to the lungs, researchers have discovered that the lungs are the body's primary filter for fat..

A common misconception about weight loss is that fat in the body is converted into energy and heat. Whereas what happens is that fat breaks down into carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, and the last two combine to form water.. Finally, all of these come out of the nose. So exercising helps to lose weight by increasing the rhythm of breathing. The more you breathe, the more carbon leaves the body. So people lose weight even by sleeping and sitting. But the problem is that people don't know that we don't need a lot of food.

a sweet 100 Consider the gram you eat with breakfast or lunch. This sweet can provide a fifth of the energy needed by the body of a normal person. Finally, in order to lose weight, you must eat enough food, do more physical activity and breathe properly.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Nose surgery fantasy

Cosmetic surgery after weight loss

With the increasing problem of obesity in the world, post-weight loss surgery can be extremely effective. Obesity is a widespread disease worldwide and the rate of obesity is constantly increasing.

Many patients win the fight against obesity by losing a lot of weight. Major weight loss is a remarkable success achieved by some people through lifestyle changes in diet and exercise. Some other gastric bypass surgery methods are used to help you lose extra weight. Regardless of the type of weight loss method, everyone feels better after losing weight. In addition, many serious problems and health risks are reduced.

The excitement of wearing new and smaller clothes, as well as the excitement of stepping on the scale, is very gratifying and proud. After losing weight, the body will be healthier, fresher and possibly more active. Although there are countless benefits to losing weight, there is also a significant problem: Patients often experience loose skin that prevents them from fully enjoying their weight loss. After losing weight, many Iranian or foreign clients feel uncomfortable due to the excess skin on their body and are looking for treatment.. Fortunately, there are effective treatments to get rid of excess and loose skin after weight loss.

The main difference between plastic surgery after weight loss and other cosmetic procedures is the need to evaluate the entire body, not just a target area. In this surgery, excess skin can be collected from many parts of the body, including the breasts, waist, hips, abdomen, thighs, and arms.. The texture of the skin and the degree of laxity of each person have an effect on the incision sites, the degree of skin removal and the degree of visibility of the scar in plastic surgery..


Use of ice after rhinoplasty

Use of ice after rhinoplasty

Tips on using ice after rhinoplasty

Facial swelling is one of the inevitable and natural parts of the rhinoplasty surgery recovery period. If you do any of the following procedures on your nose, you should expect facial swelling during recovery:

  1. جراحی ترمیمی
  2. Eliminate nasal deviation
  3. Change the tip of the nose
  4. Correcting nasal deviation and rhinoplasty at the same time

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Use of ice after rhinoplasty

Most patients are afraid of seeing their new nose shape after rhinoplasty. Some of them fight facial swelling by using ice packs, of course, ice packs can also be poured into latex gloves and placed on the face.. But never put ice directly on the skin, too much cold can disturb the blood flow inside the skin. Some people put frozen vegetables in a bag and place it on the nose, forehead and eyes.. But it is better before doing any of these things with Nasal surgeon Consult yourself. You should not place a heavy bag of frozen vegetables on a newly operated nose with fragile tissues..

Some plastic surgeons believe that ice can have a great effect in reducing swelling, just like Arnica, which is used before rhinoplasty.. Some famous people also use ice packs to improve facial skin and make it clear. Paul Newman used to put his face as far as he could in a bowl of ice water every morning..
Ice can reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels. Swelling is the body's natural response to injury and leads to the accumulation of more fluids inside the tissues. Ice also helps reduce pain and bleeding.
Plastic surgeons have a lot of concerns about swelling because excessive swelling can lead to loosening of sutures and reduce the quality of surgical results.. Also, if the wounds are open, they are exposed to the risk of infection. In some patients, a large bandage is attached to the upper lip to prevent internal bleeding of the nasal septum or scapular bone..

Why is it recommended to use ice after nose surgery?

Many important cares in rhinoplasty should be done well so that these cares, along with the surgery, can give the person a favorable and lovely result.. One of the most important cares after nose surgery is the use of ice after nose surgery, which will be extremely useful in improving conditions..

In principle, the use of ice is highly recommended and used not only in nasal surgery but also in other branches of medicine for many reasons.. In the very important surgery of the nose, after completing the surgery and being transferred to the ward, things such as initial feeding and the use of ice after nose surgery must be done carefully, and the patient must be extremely persistent in performing these care items correctly..

  1. To use ice, pour some ice into a bag, cloth or nylon bag and gently place it around the nose, on the face and under the eyes and remove it, do not press..
  2. Never put an ice pack on the nose.
  3. Be careful not to damage the nasal splint or cast because it may cause strange changes in the shape of the nose.
  4. The use of ice compresses should be done approximately every 15 to 20 minutes for 48 hours or 72 hours after the operation, so that the condition of your face and nose will be normalized to a large extent..
  5. Be sure to use ice after nose surgery with the help of another person because others will have more control over your face in such a situation and prevent potential injuries..

Isfahan nose surgeon | The effect of weight loss on rhinoplasty

Warm compress after rhinoplasty

after 48 Hours, warm compresses will be helpful. Use a warm towel ( For example, heated with an iron ) On the whole face including the nose ( for one to two minutes ) Note that the towel should be warm, not hot ! Try it on your hand first, if it's not hot, put it on your face. Use the hot towel as long as you have bruises on your face, and for at least a week and at least three times a day.

Fixing the asymmetry of the nostrils

Fixing the asymmetry of the nostrils

Cosmetic surgery of the nose and removing the asymmetry of its holes

It may be hard to believe, but many people go for nose surgery just to correct the shape of their nostrils. Another common request from people who want rhinoplasty to do, the repair of the tip of the nose is high. In this case, the nostrils are very visible, and looking at the person's face, the first thing seen is his nostrils.. In most cases, the noses of young women who have such a problem are cruellyPig nose" is named.

Of course, this problem is completely solved by changing the angle and lifting the nose. The meaning of changing the angle is to raise or lower the tip of the nose, and to perform such an action to one A capable nose surgeon And with experience is needed.

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Reasons for not matching the nostrils

The reason for the asymmetry of the nostrils can be related to the deviation of the caudal septum. The part of the wall that divides the nose into two parts is called the nasal septum, which is close to the opening of the nostrils.. Now, the caudal septum is normally located in the midline of the nose and behind the columella.

Maintaining symmetry and creating symmetrical nostrils is one of the most difficult steps in nose surgery even for the most skilled surgeons. Most nose surgeons prioritize their work to change the shape of your nose.. One of the highest priorities in rhinoplasty is to achieve maximum symmetry and harmony from the front view if possible.

It is clear that if you can correct the asymmetry of the nostrils and at the same time maintain the symmetry from the front view, you have reached your ideal goal.. But in some cases it is not possible to do both together. And this problem is definitely for patients whose anatomy does not allow their nostrils to be completely symmetrical. It is good if the surgeon can make the nostrils symmetrical from the bottom view. But the priority is to make the nose symmetrical from the front view.

The asymmetry of the nostrils is a problem that often bothers people. With rhinoplasty, it is possible to improve the problem of the symmetry of the nostrils, because the nose is located in the center of the face, this asymmetry of the nostrils will be very evident. With rhinoplasty, the asymmetry of the nostrils can be improved, but solving this The problem with rhinoplasty cannot be completely guaranteed.

Fixing the asymmetry of the nostrils

Usually Isfahan nose surgeon During examination sessions, the patient detects the imbalance of different parts of the nose. When the plastic surgeon notices that the nostrils are asymmetric or misshapen, the next step is to examine the nose for deviation of its blade.. The nasal septum is a delicate and narrow part of the nose that separates its two holes from each other and is made of bone and cartilage.. when nasal septum If it deviates, it may lead to blockage of the respiratory tract. Usually, the goal of Isfahan nose surgeon Dr. Behnam Khorrami in such a situation is to repair the blade and shape the holes.

In rhinoplasty surgery that is performed on black people, usually one of the surgical parts is dedicated to reducing the width of the nostrils.. In some cases, the size of the nostrils changes after rhinoplasty and during the healing process. Usually, the fastest and best way to solve such a problem is to use filler or liquid silicone to balance the size of the holes.. The imbalance in the nostrils is quite visible, but if the nostrils are enlarged and balanced in terms of shape and size, it is their balance that attracts more attention..

Finally, it is important that people after rhinoplasty, while their problem is solved, still have a natural face and maintain the ethnic characteristics of their face..

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | Tipoplasty.

Asymmetry of nostrils after rhinoplasty

These days, the most discussed issue in patients' noses after rhinoplasty is the examination of nasal holes . Examining this issue requires more explanations and clarification from the doctor for the applicant and the patient, which will be provided to the person by the surgeon during the consultation..

Most patients after rhinoplasty or nose reconstruction surgery notice some degree of asymmetry in their nostrils. This is very unexpected and very uncomfortable for the patient to hear that the asymmetry of the nostrils after surgery is more In nose surgery, it is a rule rather than an exception, this issue may not be justified for many patients, but for example, if you want to draw a parallel line with both hands at the same time, these two lines will definitely not be the same. There is no need to worry. !

All rhinoplasty surgeons and rhinoplasty specialists aim to make the nose as symmetrical as possible. And this means creating a nose in which all its components are aligned and proportional from all angles. However, the reality is that you will never have a perfect nose. Even if your nose surgery was done in the best way.

Treatment of snoring and puffiness with the help of rhinoplasty

Treatment of snoring and puffiness with the help of rhinoplasty

Cosmetic surgery of the nose and nose

Snoring treatment | Before rhinoplasty, Isfahan nose surgeon examines the nose completely and accurately. In almost 50% of cases, a person has a problem with snoring. If we put aside the images we have in our minds from cartoons, pouting is not a funny thing.. The human body is naturally designed to breathe through the nose. Breathing through the nose is better than breathing through the mouth, because the air is first moistened, purified and warmed, and in this way more oxygen reaches the lungs..

Factors influencing the increase in snoring intensity

The factors that will increase the intensity of snoring in people are::

  1. Asthma respiratory disease
  2. Sleeping on a very large or soft pillow
  3. Overweight
  4. to sleep on the back
  5. age increasing
  6. Enlargement of the third tonsil in children
  7. Taking certain medications such as cold medicine or sleeping pills
  8. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes

Isfahan nose surgeon | Snoring

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Causes of snoring

Snoring can be a sign of a problem called sleep apnea. In this case, the internal structure of the nose becomes problematic and closes the airway. Usually, people who have this problem wake up gasping for breath and don't remember what happened. The result of this problem is that the person does not sleep well and feels tired for days. Also, in such a state, less oxygen enters the blood. Other problems that may lead to breathing problems include the following:

  1. Deviation of the nasal septum
  2. allergy
  3. Pelvic bone enlargement
  4. Fractures of the nose
  5. Nasal polyps

It is possible to solve the problem of snoring and puffiness caused by blockage of the nasal passages with nose surgery and correcting its deviation..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Can snoring be relieved with rhinoplasty?

Of course, nose problems are not without solutions. As long as the snoring is caused by blocked nasal passages, this problem can be solved to a great extent by performing nose surgery and correcting its deviation.. Snoring in children can be a sign of enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes. People who are overweight usually snore because of the soft tissue of the neck. In most cases, it is possible to solve other problems that lead to nosebleeds with nose surgery.

Other cases of snoring include middle-aged men with thick necks. As we age, the tissues of the throat lose their strength and become loose. Then these tissues fall into the respiratory tract and lead to snoring. Enlargement of the tongue can lead to snoring for various reasons. When the tongue is enlarged, it blocks the passage of the throat during sleep and the person snores and puffs when breathing..

In some people, snoring occurs only when taking hay medicine or during the allergy season. Colds and sinus infections can also be causes of snoring. The otolaryngologist can prescribe other solutions other than rhinoplasty for those whose snoring problem is not caused by the nose..

Isfahan nose surgeon | snoring

Treatment of snoring with nasal surgery

In more serious issues where the cause of snoring is only due to obstruction of the airway and disruption of nasal air flow, such as the presence of nasal polyps, nasal deviation and breathing disorders due to fractures, nose surgery can be used to treat it, which is the best treatment method. It is severe snoring and it will cure it well. In case of diagnosing the cause of snoring and deciding on nose surgery Best of nose surgery See.

The cause of snoring due to nose surgery

In some cases, healthy people will experience snoring after rhinoplasty. که در این صورت یا فرد مشکلات همراه حلقی داشته و با اضافه شدن گرفتگی بینی خروپف پس از جراحی در فرد شروع شده است. Or snoring is due to problems caused by nose cosmetic surgery, which can be used to solve this problem by reconstructive nose surgery..

در صورتی که عمل زیبایی بینی توسط بهترین جراح بینی انجام نشود مشکلات بسیاری پس ازعمل مانند تنگی دریچه‌های بینی، باقی ماندن یا ایجاد انحراف تیغه وسط بینی، چسبندگی مخاط داخل بینی و کوچک کردن بیش از حد بینی را برای فرد ایجاد خواهد کرد که همه ممکن است باعث بروز خروپف در فرد شوند. So choosing the right nose surgeon is very important.

What factors affect the cost of rhinoplasty?

What factors affect the cost of rhinoplasty?

Factors affecting the cost of rhinoplasty

The cost of rhinoplasty | While in Iran for rhinoplasty قیمت ثابتی وجود ندارد و جراحان بینی مختلف هزینه‌های متفاوتی از بیماران دریافت می‌کنند، معیار هزینه‌ای که بیماران می‌پردازند معمولا ناشی از ترکیبی از عوامل است که باعث می‌شوند هزینه‌ی rhinoplasty زیاد یا کم شود.

The most important factor in the cost of rhinoplasty is the experience, ability and reputation of the plastic surgeon. Trained and reputable surgeons, most of whose patients are satisfied with the results of their work, and whose before and after photos of their patients are fantastic, are very expensive.. But in this case, the patient will be more sure of the result of the surgery and the cost.

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The cost of rhinoplasty

You should also keep in mind that rhinoplasty is the most difficult type of cosmetic surgery and according to statistics, approx 15 until the 20 The percentage of rhinoplasty surgery is followed by a reconstructive or secondary surgery. This issue increases the costs of this surgery. So it is better to choose a good surgeon the first time so that you don't have to pay more for the second surgery.

It is better to always choose the best surgeons for cosmetic surgery. Surgeons who have an office in the upper part of the city charge more for rhinoplasty due to the high cost of living.. Therefore, it is better to choose a plastic surgeon based on his reputation and the results of his work, which can be seen from the photos before and after the operation..

Another important factor in rhinoplasty surgery costs is how much the patient's nose needs to be changed. Has your nose been broken before? Does the patient have breathing problems? Is the patient's nose deviated? The outer part of the nose is bent? Is a cartilage graft needed to reconstruct the structure of the nose? Do you want to have reconstructive surgery?

If you have breathing problems, insurance may pay for the surgery. Another effective factor is the location of the surgery. Are you going to be operated in a hospital or a plastic surgeon's office? Each of these has its strengths and weaknesses. The presence of an anesthesiologist in the surgical team is also effective in its costs. Of course, anesthesia is not a joke and it is better to use an experienced anesthesiologist.

Isfahan nose surgeon | Nasal septum perforation

هزینه عمل بینی چگونه تعیین می شود ؟

افرادی که قصد انجام جراحی بینی دارند، باید ابتدا در جلسات مشاوره شرکت کنند تا پزشک به بررسی و ارزیابی دقیق ظاهر و ساختار بینی بپردازد و با توجه به مشکلات موجود، نوع جراحی و مناسب بودن فرد برای جراحی را تشخیص دهد. شرکت در این جلسات، فرصت بسیار خوبی است تا علاوه بر کسب اطلاعات در خصوص روند و نتایج جراحی، از هزینه نهایی عمل نیز مطلع شوید.

به طور کلی، هزینه عمل بینی بر اساس موارد زیر تعیین می شود:

  • آزمایشات قبل از عمل بینی

معمولا قبل از عمل بینی، یک سری آزمایشات توسط پزشک تجویز می شود تا علاوه بر ارزیابی سلامت عمومی، ساختار داخلی بینی به طور دقیق بررسی شود و وجود مشکلات تنفسی یا شکستگی بینی مشخص گردد. از جمله این تست ها می توان به تست های عکس برداری، سی تی اسکن و آزمایش خون اشاره کرد که همگی هزینه های خود را خواهند داشت. در صورتی که هدف از جراحی بینی، درمانی باشد، بیمه این قبیل هزینه ها را پرداخت خواهد کرد.

  • دستمزد جراح

Most of the cost of rhinoplasty depends on the surgeon's expertise and experience, and in fact, doctors with more experience charge more. For this reason, when you decide to do rhinoplasty, be more careful about choosing a surgery that charges less, because the nose is a part of your face that you have no way to hide, and any changes should be done. In such a way that beautiful and natural results are obtained.

یکی از مواردی که در خصوص دستمزد جراحی باید در نظر داشته باشید این است که معمولا هزینه ای که جراح برای عمل ترمیمی بینی دریافت می کند، بیشتر از هزینه جراحی اولیه است، آن هم به این دلیل که در جراحی ترمیمی، ایرادات باقی مانده از جراحی اولیه مانند مشکلات زیبایی، عملکردی و یا هر دو برطرف خواهد شد.

In cases where there is a need for cartilage grafting from other parts of the body such as ribs or ears, the surgeon's fee will be higher..

Isfahan nose surgeon | Angularization of the face

  • Cost of anesthesia

بیشتر جراحی های بینی تحت بیهوشی عمومی انجام می شوند تا فرد در طول جراحی، خواب باشد و هیچ گونه دردی را احساس نکند. در مواردی که امکان اعمال بیهوشی وجود نداشته باشد، از بی حسی موضعی کمک گرفته خواهد شد. توجه داشته باشید که حفظ ایمنی افراد و انجام جراحی بدون درد، اولویت تیم بیهوشی خواهد بود. For this reason, a part of the cost of nose surgery will be considered for the anesthesiologist.

  • Cost of operating room and equipment

جراحی بینی باید در مرکز جراحی یا بیمارستان مجهز به تجهیزات استاندارد و به روز انجام شود و منظور از هزینه های اتاق، تجهیزات، داروها و ابزارهایی هستند که حین عمل مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. این هزینه هم چنین می تواند شامل هزینه کارکنان اتاق عمل مانند دستیارانی باشد که به موفق آمیز بودن نتایج جراحی کمک می کنند.


How to operate the nasal bone in rhinoplasty

How to operate the nasal bone in rhinoplasty

آیا همیشه در جراحی زیبایی بینی استخوان‌ شکسته می‌شود ؟

Contrary to popular belief, the nasal bone is not always broken in rhinoplasty surgery. If the plastic surgeon wants to remove only the hump of the patient's nose, there is no need to break or cut the bone. Of course, if the nose needs to be narrowed for beauty or structure reconstruction, Isfahan nose surgeon It should create small internal slits on the nasal bone and change its position a little. If it is necessary to break the bone in rhinoplasty surgery . It will greatly affect the results of rhinoplasty. However, it may lead to swelling and bruising under the eyes . In some cases, it is necessary to break the nasal bone to achieve the desired results of the patient.

You should also know that breaking the nose in the process of rhinoplasty is not like breaking the nose with a baseball bat. Isfahan nose surgeon makes changes in the nasal bone using very sharp and small tools . which make the nose narrower. This is mostly done on noses whose upper part is very wide . Or it is done to restore the shape of the nose after removing the hump. If the upper part of the nose has a suitable width or does not have a hump . There will be no need to narrow the nasal bone.

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The size of the hump that is removed from the nose also plays an important role in this issue. If the size of the hump is small, there is no need to break the nasal bone. But if the hump is big, removing it will help . The shape of the nose is out of the normal state and to restore its shape, it will be necessary to break the nasal bone. It is also possible if the nose is broken and severely crooked . The plastic surgeon has to break the nasal bone to straighten it.

Before rhinoplasty, you should discuss all your wishes with the plastic surgeon. He will help you decide how to achieve your goals. Whether or not the nasal bone is broken has a significant impact on the recovery period. If the nasal bone is not broken, the recovery period will be very simple and easy . But if it breaks, bruising and swelling under the eyes is inevitable. Of course, if the anatomy of the nose is such that the plastic surgeon has to break the bone to achieve your desired results . You will have no other choice.

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What is the actual duration of rhinoplasty surgery?

Patients who go to the doctor for reconstructive surgery tell strange stories. In fact, consultation sessions with them can be instructive for plastic surgeons and show that rhinoplasty is in trouble these days.. A large number of patients who come to plastic surgeons for a second surgery report that their rhinoplasty took three, four, or even five hours.. This is not acceptable at all, especially when the results of the surgery were not good.

If tissue and cartilage grafting is done in nose surgery, its duration will increase. Of course, in some cases such conditions are unavoidable and necessary to restore the structure of the nose. با پیوند بافت و غضروف داخلی بینی که خود به اندازه‌ی کافی بافت دارد، اما با این کار هزینه‌های جراحی افزایش پیدا می‌کند. In fact, the graft tissue can be removed from one place and grafted again to the same place.

Usually, plastic surgeons use the cartilage and bone of the nasal septum, since this structure will be removed anyway to correct the nasal deviation.. Only in special cases, surgeons go to ear cartilage. This also adds to the time required for the surgery, because another part of the body has to be operated on and opened and then sutured..

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Other factors that can affect the duration of surgery include the surgical approach. The experience and ability of the plastic surgeon is also effective in the duration of the surgery. The more experience he has, the more optimally he uses his time.

Finally, the duration of rhinoplasty surgery can vary, but normally between 1 until the 2 It takes hours and the stories of the surgeries 4 Or 5 We hear every hour that make us doubt the abilities and conscientiousness of the plastic surgeon in question.

Nasal cosmetic surgery approach

Nasal cosmetic surgery approach

Which rhinoplasty approach is right for you?

Rhinoplasty is performed in different ways and these methods are different according to the gender and ethnicity of people. even without rhinoplasty You can also change the shape of the nose. Isfahan nose surgeon so that he can rhinoplasty to do it in the best way, he has to make many decisions and choose the most suitable among the available approaches.

The two main approaches of rhinoplasty are open and closed approaches. These two are surgical approaches that are chosen by Isfahan nose surgeons in line with the way the surgery is performed, and their difference is mostly in removing or not removing the external tissue of the nose..

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Open rhinoplasty

With the open procedure, the plastic surgeon has access to the entire structure of the nose. By making small incisions in and on the nose, exactly where the nose connects to the face, he can remove the outer tissue from the cartilage.. When the surgeon has full access to the structure of the nose, he can make any changes he wants.

Since it is easier for the plastic surgeon to work with the open method, it is usually used more.. In this case, the surgeon can see the cartilage and structure of the nose and have easy access to them, the surgeon has more freedom to work on the nose and his vision is not limited to the nasal passages.. Also, the accuracy of the plastic surgeon's work with the open method increases, and as a result, the patient will be more satisfied with the results of the rhinoplasty surgery.

Most plastic surgeons choose the open method because their work becomes easier and they can achieve a better result.. But if the nose needs a lot of changes, usually the plastic surgeon will not have the right to choose, and the open method must be used instead of the closed method..

Closed rhinoplasty is also called Indonesian rhinoplasty, and its use is less common.

The need for a conservative change

It is very important that the surgeon designs a conservative surgical plan. Plastic surgery should never change a person's unique characteristics. Instead, it should enhance the patient's natural beauty.

Meanwhile, too much work on the nose can cause the tissues to break. You may remember Michael Jackson's sunken and ill-fitting nose for the rest of his life. Because he underwent many nose surgeries, the cartilage that supported the nose eventually deteriorated and caused Its collapse was inward.

The best way to achieve long-term satisfaction with rhinoplasty surgery is to find a surgical procedure that meets your goals in the most conservative way possible..

Jaw surgeon of Isfahan | male nose .

Closed rhinoplasty

In this way rhinoplasty It is also called Indonesian and its use is not common. In this method, all the cracks are created inside the nose and its external tissue is not removed. After creating the gap, the surgeon can access the nasal cartilage and repair it. Sometimes the plastic surgeon has to use an endoscopic tool to see inside the nose, because in this method the plastic surgeon's vision is limited to what he sees through the nasal passages..

Since the closed method creates limitations for the surgeon, it is not used much. In this method, the surgeon can work only through the nasal passages, even without tools rhinoplasty It is also a small space. Since the surgeon does not have access to the internal structure of the nose, the things that can be done with the closed method are also limited.. This method is usually used for patients whose nose does not need many changes.

Of course, the closed method has advantages over the open method. In this method, since it is mostly done inside the nose, time rhinoplasty It is shorter. It is also possible to reduce swelling and bruising of the face with the closed method.

Priority with rhinoplasty or composite surgery?

Priority with rhinoplasty or composite surgery?

First nose surgery or composite?

The problem is this. It is a question that applicants constantly face. Now, in answer to this question, it should be said that something may happen during this operation. These events include changes in lips, face and lip shape. For example, at the same time as the composite operation, if the tooth is pulled, the lip moves inward and partially.

As a result, this action by itself affects the shape of the nose; Therefore, the goals of nose surgery will change after the composite. But if nose surgery is done first. Then the applicant's teeth will be ceramicized, it is possible that changes in the nose may occur during the treatment.

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Reducing costs by performing nose and composite surgery

If the composite operation is done first, you can have a beautiful operation with a low cost. However, if nose surgery is performed before the teeth are ceramicized, changes in the face may occur. As a result, the applicant has to repair his nose again. Of course, there is an additional cost.

Problems caused by performing the composite operation at the same time as performing nose surgery

The problems caused by rhinoplasty at the same time as composite are so many that the teeth should be coated first, then the nose should be operated; Because dental veneers can cause slight changes in the face, the most important of which are as follows:

  1. The angle of the nose and lips changes.
  2. The balance between the nose and the lips is lost.
  3. The position of the lips changes.

Now the question arises, what is the relationship between changing the shape of the lips and nose surgery? In response, it should be said that the relationship between the lips and the shape that the nose takes in the end is of great importance in rhinoplasty; Therefore, with any change in the shape of the lips, there is a possibility that the angle of the lips and nose will collide.

As a result, there is a change in the final shape of the operated nose. Changing the shape of the lips after veneering the teeth definitely makes the cosmetic surgeon decide how to perform the patient's surgery; Therefore, ideally, the patient can make his teeth in the desired shape. Then go to a cosmetic surgeon for surgery. In general, when the patient is confident about the shape of his lips and teeth, he will no longer worry about nose surgery.

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Time interval between rhinoplasty and composite (First, nose job or composite)

As mentioned before, the tooth veneer should be done first, then the nose surgery. But if the patient is not a patient person, he should consult the surgeon for both operations. If both specialists believed in performing both surgeries for the patient at the same time, it is not prohibited.. Also, if the nose surgery is performed before finishing the tooth veneer, the specialist will be limited to observe the patient's condition.

As a result, the work is not done efficiently. Therefore, it is better to perform nose surgery after finishing the period of tooth veneer, which is about 6 to 24 months

Why is composite surgery dangerous after nose surgery?

It is difficult to treat oral diseases or dental veneers after nose surgery if the patient has the following conditions:

  • The designated period for nose surgery has not ended.
  • The treatments that are considered for dentistry are invasive and put a lot of pressure on the patient.
  • Blowing the nose while performing dental services.
  • If the bleeding gums or teeth are high in the patient, after a short period of time after the nose surgery, this will lead to his weakening..
  • Creating a cavity between the mouth and the sinus

Cause of toothache after nose surgery

In the first stage, the patient performs the composite operation and then completes the nose operation process. But he feels pain in his mouth. Its cause is the irritation of the nerves between the teeth and the lower part of the nose, which shows its pain with the tooth. One of these nerves, which has the role of controlling sensation in the front upper teeth and part of the roof of the mouth, is the nasopharyngeal nerve.

The passage of the nasal nerve is through the nasal septum or middle bone and cartilage. As a result, by performing nasal deviation or septoplasty with the smallest incision, the patient suffers from toothache for 2 weeks.

How is the price of each 1401 composite unit calculated?

Why are people looking for the best price for each 1401 composite unit? In fact, due to the increase in people's social relationships, they seek to beautify their appearance more. In the past, doing smile design modification required high cost and time. But today, with the progress of research, it has been possible to do laminate and dental composite, smile design with less time and cost. If you intend to perform these services, you must know how many units of your teeth need these materials before starting the work. To determine how many teeth need to be composited, just stand in front of the mirror and smile. Any number of teeth that are visible when smiling should be worked on.

Extensive research is needed to calculate the price of each 1401 composite unit and the price of each veneer composite unit. Because there are various materials with different qualities in the market. Also, the calculation of its price can be different according to the doctor's expertise, the location of the clinic, the facilities and equipment, and the warranty period.

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There are several factors that can influence the price of each 1401 composite unit. These factors include the following:

  • Previous problems

Before performing this procedure and calculating its price, you should know the condition of your teeth. This service is mostly good for healthy teeth that are in good condition. No dentist is able to cover tooth decay without treatment with only these materials. In such a way that if the decayed tooth is not treated, the decay will get worse under the cover.

  • Quality

Quality will be a very important factor in the price of these services. In fact, you can buy the best quality composite veneers. Or just buy a regular composite. Quality is not limited to materials. Making dental veneers is a technique and technical skill. If you want these things to be done right, you need to find a specialist who has the technical and artistic skills to create natural-looking veneers..

  • Number of teeth

Composites are installed on a tooth-by-tooth basis. In this case, it is up to you to decide how many of your teeth to have veneers.

  • Materials used

There are different materials for dental veneers. However, the choice of materials will have a major impact on costs. People have two choices for dental beauty, which are:: Dental composite and laminate

Of these two choices, dental laminates or ceramic veneers are the stronger and harder choice. This coating is used most of the time when the teeth are badly shaped or seriously damaged. In laminate veneers, the dentist delicately cuts a very thin layer of teeth to attach the laminate veneers to it..

Composite is the cheaper option. Of course, this type of coating also has its strength. Unlike laminate, this material is only added to the teeth and gives it its shape. However, it is possible for composite veneers to be reversible. But ultimately it depends on the skill and experience of the dentist. Dental laminate usually requires several sessions to perform the coating process. But the resin is finished in one session. Because its steps are applied directly on the tooth itself from the beginning to the end.